UFO over Buggiano, Italy, March 23, 2015
The witness statement: ''It happend the first time in August 2013. I was at my house a friend of mine (here of dinner) called me to see what was going on in the sky. We saw a sort of orb red/orange hovering in the sky, before I could get my camera to record it , it went away with incredible speed. Few months later I saw it again but I could take a least a pic of it. Yesterday my cat was ''shouting'' at the sky so I went to check and I saw the object. I've had time to get my phone and start recording for 30 seconds.''
Multiple bright spheres over North Carolina - MUFON Case 64066
MUFON Case 64066:
Objects were recorded from backyard in NC on March 18, 2015. Shooter saw the same objects last year.
Submitter description: ''One after another moving NE and going upward from the backyard of our house. Last year we saw the same but one less orb.''
Ship to ship transfer?
YouTube user Streetcap 1 found this photo with two alien ships making a transfer in the periphery of the Sun. Moreover, one can imagine a beam of light or a kind of tractor beam to effect of transfer.
Date of observation: October 15, 2014.
Link: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov//data/REPROCESSING/Completed/2014/c3/20141015/20141015_0406_c3_1024.jpg
Mars Mystery - Letters and Numbers & Crashed UFO?
There are a lot of artifacts all over this picture. This image shows us letters and numbers like ''2'' and ''9'', or maybe ''S'' and ''G''. We can see also a very strange object above this numbers, a crashed UFO?
This image was taken by Opportunity Navigation Camera on Sol 3949.
NASA Link: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/n/3949/1N478759684EFFCM29P1627R0M1.JPG
UFO spotted in skies over St Helens
On Wednesday, March 18, 2015, in St Helens Star newspaper, Sophie Corless, Digital Media Editor, wrote an article about a strange UFO sighting over St. Helens.
This strange orange object was spotted by Star reader George Hunter hovering above his home close to St. Helens town centre. Described by Mr Hunter as a ''huge object'' that moved at ''warp speed'', it was seen just after midnight in the skies over the Raiford Road area.
Mr Hunter said: ''It was just after midnight and as I looked through the kitchen window I saw some very bright lights in a triangular pattern quite high in the night sky. I filmed the lights and zoomed in on them, but I only managed to get a short clip as the lights moved out of shot as I was filming them. They were very fast and gone in less than a second, it was almost like something out of Star Trek moving at warp speed. I am sure that this was no ordinary aircraft such as a plane or helicopter as it simply moved too fast and made no noise. I am convinced it was a huge object; it was much bigger and brighter than it appears in the clip. I suppose this could have been some type of military aircraft but it was completely silent and appeared to be to massive. I am stumped as to what the object could have be and I am interested to see if anyone else might have seen it or have an explanation.''
Biggest UFO mothership ever recorded
The biggest real UFO mothership to ever have been recorded, documented and confirmed on radar deals with the Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 incident.
Imagine flying an airplane and then suddenly seeing a massive UFO mothership twice the size of an aircraft carrier appearing out of nowhere...right in front of you.
Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 was a 747 cargo flight, enroute from Paris to Tokyo with a shipment of fine wine. Shortly after the aircraft entered Alaskan airspace, two unidentified flying objects suddenly rose up from below, and closed in to escort the jumbo jet. They were cylindrical with an array of nozzle like thrusters that glowed red so hotly the three Japanese flight crew members could feel the heat in the cockpit.
After a few minutes, the twin UFOs suddenly veered into a stacked formation just 500 feet in front of the 747. Their movement was so unnatural, the Captain reported ''The thing was flying as if there was no such thing as gravity. It sped up, then stopped, then flew at our speed, in our direction, so that to us it appeared to be standing still. The next instant it changed course....In other words, the flying object had overcome gravity.''
The UFO's changed their formation to side by side, slowly bobbing in front of the jet at the exact same speed, as though hovering. Suddenly a massive UFO mothership twice the size of an aircraft carrier rose out of the darkness and joined the formation, and the two smaller UFO's zipped away towards it. The jet made an evasive manuver but the mothership remained locked in position on the port side throughout a sharp 360 degree turn.
Anchorage Air Force Base detected the mothership anomaly on radar and dispatched a Hercules C130 air transporter to investigate, but the UFO's disappeared before it arrived.
Officials dismissed the incident as stars reflected in ice crystals combined with radar echoes, and the highly experienced JAL captain was grounded to a desk job.
The Air Force base felt strongly enough about their radar signals that they dispatched a plane to investigate...but then after the fact took all credibility away from this highly experienced pilot. It's as if he had seen something he wasn't supposed to see.
Gorokan family sees UFO hovering in the distance
It was bright, swerving and dipping at an incredibly high speed. And then, suddenly, it disappeared without a trace, according to the Daily Telegraph.
For teenager Josh Elton and his family in Gorokan, in the Central Coast, this brief sighting in the sky was enough to make them wonder if they had seen a UFO.
''We were just sitting on the lounge last Thursday night, about 7:30, and my younger brother and I saw what we thought was a plane flying really low'', Josh, 15, said.
''It was swerving all around as we looked out to San Remo, and I really thought it was going to crash.
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Still from video footage captured by Josh Elton of Gorokan of what he claims is a UFO flying over the Central Coast. |
''My family and I have never seen anything like it before. Mum initially thought it may have been a meteor, but there has been nothing on the news about something like that hitting the Central Coast.''
Josh captured the eerie encounter in a 12-second video on his iPad. He said he showed it to his friends and neighbours who were equally stumped as to what the spherical, luminous object was.
The Express Advocate forwarded it to an expert on UFO sightings, Dominic McNamara, for closer examination.
''Flashing lights are normally at a slower frequency, but can sometimes appear to be a revolving object instead'', said Mr McNamar, a senior member of the UFO and Paranormal Research Society of Australia.
''Interestingly, vector diagram and measurement shows that it appears to change course ever so slightly toward the left of camera as it is about to be lost from sight.''
''In the end, it is impossible to say what this is. Still, there's not much that is lit up and floats to the ground - if indeed it is descending as sharply as the imagery suggests.''
''It could be receding, but there's no way of knowing. To date, there is no other report of this.''
He said there also did not appear to be any evidence relating to a lost airborne object.
Source: dailytelegraph.com
ET megalithic structures on the Moon, 2015
Thirdphaseofmoon speaks with Robert D. Morningstar a civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City. He received a degree in psychology from Fordham University. An expert in Chinese language, history, martial arts and is a FAA-licenced pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor with 23 years of flying experience. Robert has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 40 years and has published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception in the JFK Assassination and his work is cited in major books on the assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde's ''The Assassination of America'' and ''Conspiracy Science'' by Prof. James Fetzer. He has also written extensively to expose NASA's use of 'Disinformation Technology' in suppressing evidence of extraterrestrial life and exposing the real nature and threat of the UFO phenomenon. He is currently the Associate Editor of UFO Digest.
Mars Anomalies Sol 721 - Building-Craft or trick of light?
Another interesting anomaly has been found on Mars by the Mars Curiosity rover on Sol 721. Could this be a building, a craft or is just a nice rock?
NASA Link: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00721/mcam/0721MR0030860060402822E01_DXXX.jpg
Multi-Colored California UFO - March 20, 2015
Amazing new video of a UFO that moves in a controlled non-ballistic motion. It changes colors multiple times. It cycles through 3-4 primary colors in this 3 minute video.
This video was posted on YouTube on 3/20/2015 by NOWIS776001.
Solar Eclipse - Super Moon, March 20, 2015
For those who missed the show because of work, clouds or lack of appropiate glasses, relive the Solar Eclipse of March 20 accelerated.
UFO over Sun Pyramid in Mexico, March 8, 2015
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On top of the Sun Pyramid |
Professor Ana Luisa Cid states: ''On March 8, 2015 I went to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. I took many photos, especially when I got to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, where people are ''energy charged'' hole touching a stone, which considered the powerhouse of the basement.
Some researchers say that non-human entities ''feed'' off mental energy that we produce humans in altered states of consciousness, for example, meditations, excitement, extreme emotion, fasting, etc. Such energy is called ''Psi''. It is possible explanation for the appearance of UFOs in mass concentrations. Moreover, the photos of random UFOs may be because the object passed so fast that was imperceptible to the eye, or perhaps because vibrate in another range of light that our eye does capture, as the infrared spectrum, for example.''
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Source: http://analuisacid.com.mx/?p=1400
Mile long UFO hiding in clouds below Space Station, March 18, 2015
Using the live NASA Space Station cam, the ufologist Scott C. Waring captured a long cigar shaped object near the ISS on March 18, 2015.
Scott C. Waring: ''I was watching the NASA live cam and caught this cigar shaped UFO. Its looks to be over a mile long, but its far from the space station so it's hard to determine for sure. I put a screenshot close up of the UFO in the corner so you know what to whatch for.''
Shard of light on Mars photo
This anomaly was found in a Mars photo from NASA by Skywatcher Streetcap1 on March 15, 2015.
NASA Link: http://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/3954/1P479206538EFFCM29P2376L2M1.JPG
Fleet UFO's over Antioquia, Colombia, March 17, 2015
An amazing clip from jmhz71 shows a fleet of UFO orbs over Antioquia, Colombia. This recording was made on March 17, 2015.
''DON'T MENTION THE REPTILIANS'' (Documentary) (part 2)
An excerpt from a new documentary film ''DON'T MENTION THE REPTILIANS'', featuring David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Bill Ryan, Peter Maxwell Slattery, Mary Rodwell, Janet Kira Lessin, James Bartley, Simon Parkes and more...
In this clip Mary Rodwell talks about 7 year old little girl who can read, speak and translate alien script!!
Here Mary Rodwell talks about the Programmed Life forms taking part in some MILABS.
In this clip Bill Ryan talks about how mainstream television and movies are preparing us for what's to come.
In this clip Bill Ryan discusses a conversation he had with Barbara Lamb about her experience with a benevolent Reptilian being.
In this clip researcher and artist David Chase talks about the various techniques the Reptilians use during abductions or contact experiences.
In this clip super soldier James Rink talks about the Nazi scientists' involvement in creating Super Soldiers and explains how they work with some Reptilian races in deep underground military bases.
''DON'T MENTION THE REPTILIANS'' - Shapeshifting (Documentary) (part 1)
An excerpt from a new documentary film ''DON'T MENTION THE REPTILIANS'', featuring David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Bill Ryan, Peter Maxwell Slattery, Mary Rodwell, Janet Kira Lessin, James Bartley, Simon Parkes and more...
James Bartley discusses some of the reptilian themed TV Shows that have aired over the years.
In this clip James Bartley discusses the bloodline tracking and DNA manipulation tactics used by some Reptilian groups.
David Icke talks about the Archontic force.
In this clip David Icke discusses the Mad House we live in and the ''Mad Man'' or ''Nutter'' tag we by exposing the Reptilians or indeed anything in the alternative field.
Meteor fireball seen over Switzerland - March 15, 2015
On March 15, 2015 a weird looking green fireball was caught on dashcam flying over Switzerland. There are reports that a loud detonation was heard.
NASA cuts live space feed, UFO flotilla appears at ISS
NASA cuts live space feed when a UFO flotilla appears at ISS. There are many theories about this strange occurence: space dust, ice crystals, space junk, stars, city lights. Conspiracy theorists have accused NASA of cutting its live feed from the International Space Station whenever a UFO appears, according to Ufothetruthisoutthere.
Hypersonic UFO caught on video by drone over California Silicon Walley
The four-second clip, filmed from 80 metres above California's Silicon Walley, appears to show a small white object streaking across the screen at an impossibly fast speed.
This video was uploaded on YouTube by Darmino on March 7, 2015.
''I have no idea what this is, maybe a bug, hummingbird, reflection or alien space craft! The only thing I know for sure is that I did nothing that would cause this. You can analyse it better if you download the video in 4K and go frame by frame. Any other ideas of what it might be?'', Darmino wrote on the forum for the drone's manufacturer, DJI.
''I initially thought it was a reflection but it increases in size as it gets closer like an object would. It looks to be traveling too fast to be a bird or bug, that could be due to the size of the object and distance from the camera.''
Bird or plane? What you think?
This is the original video:
Source: cosmostv * forum.dji
Skull buried in the sand on Mars
Another amazing find, a skull buried in the sand on Mars. There are also other bones in this photograph if you look closer.
NASA Link: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00378/mcam/0378ML1558000000E1_DXXX.jpg
UFO captured on video during morning news in Oklahoma
During a KOCO 5 Oklahoma City News in the Morning broadcast, an unidentified flying object was captured on video on Thursday, March 3, 2015.
The video is from a Grand Casino camera showing traffic on the nearby I-40 in Shawnee.
None of the news crew mentions the object but this video emerges on their website shortly after.
UFO Hunters: Terrifying Grey Alien- Human Hybrid Experiments
Alien abduction cases each share alarmingly similar details involving alien-human hybrid experimentation and Aliens known as the ''Greys'' which are typically small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey-colored skin, enlarged head and large black eyes.
Grey aliens, also referred to as ''Alien Greys'', ''Greys'', ''Grays'', ''Roswell Greys'' and ''Zeta Reticulans'', are alleged extraterrestrial beings whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities, and who are named for their skin color. Around half of all reported alien encounters in the United States describe Grey aliens. Such claims vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, sinister intentions, and phisical appearances.
Human/Grey Alien Hybrids are the result of Grey genetic experiments which have been performed during abductions. It is believed that the humanoid grey aliens walk among us unnoticed as a result of advanced gene manipulation.
A mystery flash of light across the sky in Perth, Australia, March 9, 2015
9 News Perth:''A mystery flash of light across our skies has sent our WA into a frenzy. Thousand of people from Margaret River to the wheatbelt spotted the fireball as it streaked across the sky this morning. Expert say it was a large and rare meteor and they want help to find it.''
Dozens of people in Perth and WA's South West have reported a bright light in the sky, believed to have been small meteor.
Callers flooded 720 ABC Perth's Morning program on Monday, claiming to have seen the celestial event in locations ranging from Gidgegannup, on Perth's eastern outskirts, to Margaret River in the South West.
Talkback callers described seeing an intense white light flashing across the sky about 9:15 am.
''I was just going over the Mount Henry Bridge[in Perth]...and there was this silver, sort of shooting thing that came down and just vaporised in a burst over the river'', caller Gillian said.
Hilary was driving on the South West Highway near Binningup when she saw the object.
''A silver thing flashed at an angle - not like it was gravity, but going as though it was propelled into the ground'', she said.
ABC gardening expert Sabrina Hahn said she thought someone had been letting off fireworks.
''It was a really, really intense bright light. It was incredible because it was such an intense light'', she said.
Meteors rarely visible in daylight, academic says
Curtin University planetary scientist Phil Bland said it was likely to have been a meteor.
''What these things typically are is a chunk of rock entering our atmosphere'', he said.
''A meteorite is an extra-terrestrial material on the earth's surface, so if it lands on earth it's a meteorite.''
Professor Bland said the university would love to get hold of the meteorite.
''Meteorites contain an amazing record of the early solar system formation, so we get a lot of information about how planets came from'', he said.
Source: abc.net
UFO seen over Leeds, one day after one seen in neighbouring Bradford
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Photo: YorkshireStandard |
The person who saw the object, who requested to be named by his first name Martyn, spotted a bright white light on the 8 February around 6:30 pm at Kippax, Leeds.
He said: ''It was basically excitement and awe for me as it changed colours and I came to the realisation of what I was seeing. I wanted to sit and watch it until it did more or to see if it went. I'd have sat there for hours if it weren't for me getting an earful off the Mrs.''
''My partner kind of believed me and her brother. She didn't see why I'd lie and she can kind of tell if I'm being serious or not but I don't think she doubts for a second there are things not coming here and weird stuff happening.''
The images that Martyn captured resembled a circular object recorded by another person in Bradford the day before.
Source: yorkshirestandard
UFO over Florida, March 3, 2015
Here is a new video of a bright light across the night sky over Florida, uploaded by YouTube user James Loiero. This was recorded on March 3, 2015.
Witness report: ''Recorded on Samsung Galaxy S 4 on March 3, 2015. Unfortunately I didn't start recording the object until after it already had made remarkably sharp turns and velocity changes. Definitely a UFO.''
Artifacts, monuments with stairs found in NASA Curiosity Rover image
This image was taken by Mastcam from Mars Rover Curiosity on Sol 707(2014-08-02). Here in this image is what looks to be a bust from a statue, monuments with stairs and other interesting artifacts.
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Sol 707 |
YouTube user, WhatUpInTheSky37: ''Mars is littered with relics and artifacs from an unknown civilization and the more and more we look at these pictures from various rovers and satellites we find more and more evidence to stack up on the side of those who believe as so many of us do. Another good one from Kjell this has stuff strewn all over the picture! What is that translucent thing sticking up out of the main anomaly I show? Just above the staircase?''
In Search of Aliens S01E03 - The Mystery of Loch Ness
In Search of Aliens
Season 1, Episode 3 - The Mystery of Loch Ness

Ancient Astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos travels from the Highlands of Scotland to the shores of Vermont's Lake Champlain in his quest to learn more about these elusive lake monsters. Could there be a link between two of the most famous creatures in the world-Nessie and Champ? Is there a correlation between the geology of their locations? And what surprising role might physics play in understanding just what eyewitnesses claim to have seen?
UFO over Colima Volcano, Mexico, March 4, 2015
A triangle UFO was caught on webcam at Colima Volcano, Mexico, on March 4, 2015.
Eyewitness states:
''I check the webcam photos of El Volcan de Colima (Colima, Mexico) daily. Today I dicovered this triangular shaped UFO hovering beside the volcano. The other photos are of different sightings on different days. All photos are dated and time stamped.''
Live cam: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/webcam-volcan-de-colima.html
Source: MUFON Report #63740
A fireball ''as bright as the Moon'' flies over a Spanish province
On February 20, 2015, a fireball has flown over the province of Toledo, a phenomenon that was caused by the entry of a rock from an asteroid into Earth's atmosphere.
La Hita Astronomical Observatory, located in the town of La Puebla de Almoradiel, in Toledo, has recorded a fireball ''as bright as the full Moon'', which flew over the province of Toledo, reports ''ABC''.
The phenomenon recorded at 1:47 pm, on February 20, occured due to the entry into the Earth's atmosphere of a rock coming from an asteroid, according to the data obtained by the Astronomical Observatory.
Strange cloud formation appears over Washington State, British Columbia and Bulgaria
A strange cloud formation has left residents in Washington State and British Columbia perplexed, after showing up in the sky several times this month.
On March 1, 2015 another strange cloud was spotted over northwestern Bulgaria. A ''storm cloud'' in an otherwise perfectly clear sky.
We have seen many times that these strange clouds are due to UFO activity. UFOs have the ability to generate clouds to hide within, like the strange clouds over Bulgaria.
Best UFO sightings from Mars and outer space, February-March 2015
LooknowTV presents the best UFO sightings from Mars and outer space. There are some videos published in February, 2015, and also new video footage from March, 2015.
The ISS stream goes into darkness but we can see some objects passing under the ISS.
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