The Space X launch that scared Southern California, December 22, 2017
The latest Space X launch sent residents in Los Angeles into a frenzy after a mysterious white cloud formation was left over the southern California sky.
Jerry Ferguson in the Penguin Air and Plumbing spotted the incredible streak of light shortly before 6:30 p.m.
People were wondering if it had something to do with UFO, Project Blue Beam or alien technology.
Witnesses claimed the rocket appeared to break up, but Space X claimed the rocket launch was a success.
But this was not a typical rocket launch. In order to carry it's payload it needs to be ascending ''upward'' not flying horizontal with the horizon. If the rocket launch was indeed a success as Space X claims, then why wasn't the public alerted to the fact that they were going to get a spectacular light show with an approximate time, to stop people from calling 911 when they couldn't explain what they were seeing.
The explanation for this spectacular light show is just a cover story...
UFO Disclosure happening now - Grant Cameron & Steve Bassett
Grant Cameron of Whitehouse UFO and Steve Bassett of Paradigm Research Group discuss the current UFO disclosure occurring via mainstream news and the history / implications. The true agenda is also discussed. Co-moderated with Alan Steinfeld of New Realities and Neil of Portal to Ascension.
Betty Hill talks about her UFO abduction incident by extraterrestrials in 1961
On the drive back home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire after a trip to Montreal Québec, Betty and Barney Hill caught sight of a UFO. The object followed them down the highway for some before swooping in over top of their car, producing some strange noises, and suddenly disappearing.
But when the Hills reflected on the sequence of events that night, they realized that more had happened than they'd remembered. After undergoing hypnotherapy, the couple recovered memories of being taken aboard an extraterrestrial spaceship and subjected to intrusive medical examinations.
This was the first widely publicized UFO case in modern history to involve so-called ''missing time,'' and it brought the subject of alien abduction to a world audience.
Day of Disclosure - F/A Super Hornet pilot chases UFO that 'accelerated like nothing he had seen before'
F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unknown object
In the $600 billion annual Defence Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.
For years, the Program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times.
Enormous 'machine' appears on lunar surface
On December 3rd, a day after the pinnacle of a 'Super Moon' even, the Youtube user TheRealJimmyRoberts1 imaged the Moon with a Canon Digital camera equipped with a decent zoom lens. Running these images through several different filters revealed something quite shocking...Structures are absolutely everywhere. A gigantic machine or craft over 150 miles in length is evident. He found alarming evidence that this 'moon' may actually be a cloacked, artificial object.
The Kelly Cahill UFO encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1993
In August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to a friend's house. Their routine journey would soon become a harrowing trip into an unknown world of strange beings that occupied space but were void of color as we know it.
The Dandenong foothills, near Belgrave, Victoria, Australia, would have its location forever linked to the sighting of one of the most unusual humanoid creatures in Ufology archives.
Source: http://www.ufocasebook.com/kellycahill.html
What is causing these mysterious loud 'booms' heard around the world?
This video goes into great detail about the mysterious booming noises that have been heard around the world and what could possibly be causing them to occur.
Oumuamua it's not an asteroid, it is a spaceship!
Discovered earlier this year, the curios find was hailed as the first object to have entered into our solar system from somewhere else in space. Along with sparking the imagination of UFO enthusiasts, Oumuamua unique origin story also apparently caught the attention of astronomers with the Breakthrough Listen project.
The SETI endeavor backed by a Russian billionaire has announced plans to 'listen' to the historic asteroid starting this coming Wednesday...in an attempt to see if they can detect radio signals emanating from him.
In a rather remarkable email, reported by the Atlantic, the head of Harvard's astronomy department who serves as an advisor to the project made an observation that is likely to send ET fans' hearts souring.
''The more I study this object, the more unusual it appears, making me wonder wether it might be an artificially made probe which was send by an alien civilization,'' professor Avi Loeb wrote. ''Perhaps the aliens have a mothership that travels fast and releases baby spacecraft that freely fall into planetary systems on a reconnaissance mission.''
''Even if we find an artefact that was left over - some space device or junk from an alien civilization - and there are no signs of life on it, that would be the greatest thrill I can imagine having in my lifetime,'' he says. It's really one of the fundamental questions in science, perhaps the most fundamental: are we alone?''
Source: dailymail
Ancient Egyptians tell us they superseded an Earlier Kingdom
How over the ages have we managed to class History as Mythology you have to wonder, is it simply because the Powers that were at Play on this Earth thousands of years ago did not fit our understanding in relatively modern times?
By calculating the decrypted information obtained from the Papyrus of Turin, we obtain the initial period, referred to as the kingdom of Ptah, creator and first ruler of ancient Egypt, dating back 39,000 years.
Spectacular sun halo seen in Sweden, Norway
A spectacular sun halo display, with a 22º halo, parhelic circle, sundogs and a tangent arc as well as 44º parhelia (sundogs) and 46º halo, was seen in Vemdalen, Sweden, on Dec 1 2017. (Video by @vemdalen)
Large Petroglyphs in Northern Kazakhstan - Linda Moulton Howe
Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world, larger than Western Europe, and extends from the Caspian Sea on the west to Mongolia on the east; from Russia in the north to Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan and China in the south. Kazakhstan was the second largest republic in Russia until the 1991 collapse of the U.S.S.R.
Kazakhstan has been inhabited for a long time and it is thought those people were the first humans to domesticate and ride horses. In fact, the name, Kazakhstan, is from an old Turkic word that meant ''independent, a free spirit''.
The Turkic peoples are a collection of ethnic groups that live in northern, eastern, central, and western Asia, northwestern China, and parts of eastern Europe and are part of the Turkic/Altaic language family.(Wikipedia)
Now in 2015, NASA has taken interest in photographing from the International Space Station unusual and very large geoglyphs discovered in the southern Kostanay region and Turgay steppes of northern Kazakhstan. More and more of the unique and mysterious geoglyphs keep being discovered and the number is now over 200. Their ages are between 3,000 and 7,000 years or older and they can only be viewed from high in the air.
Ancient Astronauts carved in Hoysaleswara Temple?
This is Hoysaleswara Temple at Halebidu and here we can see a very strange carving: these figures look very similar to modern day astronauts. They are wearing helmets which cover their heads completely, and you can see that each person is wearing protective gloves in his hands, notice the cuffs of the gloves. If you observe closely, we can even see some of them have wires that go from one side of the helmet and hooked up to a spherical device at the back of the helmet. If you compare this carving with modern day astronauts, the similarity is uncanny. Yet, these carvings were created at least 900 years ago, some even say this temple was built many thousands of years ago. The question is, does this carving actually show astronauts, or does it depict something else?
Is this the original footage of the Battle of LA UFO incident?
The Battle of Los Angeles, also known as The Great Los Angeles Air Raid, is the name given by contemporary sources to the rumored enemy attack and subsequent anti-aircraft artillery barrage which took place from late 24 February to early 25 February 1942 over Los Angeles, California.
The incident occurred less than three months after the United States entered World War II as a result of the Japanese Imperial Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor, and one day after the bombardment of Ellwood on 23 February.
Initially, the target of the aerial barrage was thought to be an attacking force from Japan, but speaking at a press conference shortly afterward, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox called the incident a ''false alarm''.
Newspapers of the time published a number of reports and speculations of a cover-up.
They are here: Huge alien craft in our solar system
The U.S. Government has been covering up evidence of extraterrestrial visits for more than 50 years, an array of 20 retired Air Force, F.A.A. and intelligence officers said...
The 20 witnesses were a fraction of the 400 who are willing to testify under oath and under congressional immunity...
TheRealJimmyRobert1 shows us strong pictorial evidence of alien spacecraft from the 1972 Apollo 16 Mission to the moon as well as from the Cassini probe images of Saturn's moons.
22 Alien Genetic Experiments, Secret Space Programs & Break Away Civilizations - Corey Goode
This presentation was given in Montserrat Spain on September 20th 2017 at the Ufology World Congress.
Sphere UFOs lurking in Sierra Nevada Mountains
UFO Seekers was seeking UFOs in Sierra Nevada Mountains, specifically searching for a sphere-shaped UFO. After our day trip was over, we met an individual who recounted a UFO Sighting from 1986 near Beale Air Force base, in the Sierra Nevada Mountain foothills, in which he encountered a sphere-shaped UFO that came within 12-15 feet of the eyewitness head!
Mysterious ''Interstellar Object'' with odd orbit spotted in our solar system
A Queen's University Belfast scientist is leading an international team in studying a new visitor in our solar system - the first known comet or asteroid to visit us from another star.
The fast-moving object, now named A/2017 U1, was initially spotted on 18 October in Hawaii by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii.
Astronomers immediately started studying it that night with the William Herschel Telescope in the Canary Islands, then on Thursday night with the Very Large Telescope in Chile.
The initial data implies it is a small rocky or icy object that may have been drifting through our galaxy for millions or even billions of years, before entering our solar system by chance.
The object flew into the solar system from above, was close to the Sun last month, and is now already on its way back out to the stars.
Despite suspecting such objects existed and looking out for them over past decades, scientists have never seen such an interstellar visitor until now.
Source: http://www.qub.ac.uk
Bright UFO photographed over Minnesota on October 19, 2017
MUFON Case 87550
Date of sighting: October 19, 2017
Location of event: Minnesota, USA
Eyewitness states: ''I was flying West from Toronto to Edmonton on Oct 19, 2017. We took off from Toronto around 3 pm and had been flying for about an hour when I looked out the window and saw this object shining in the distance. I took a bunch of pictures with my S8+ a few I zoomed in also. The object then disappeared to the east and that was it. No trails behind it, just gone. I checked our flight path and it took us down to the US Canada border so this object would have been over US airspace at 40,000 ft or so. Location Minnesota is an educated estimate of location.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Abandoned Extraterrestrial Site? Prehistoric Evidence of Ancient Aliens in India?
One of the largest prehistoric megalithic sites in India is near a remote village called Hire Benakal in Southern India, a very mysterious place which has hundreds of strange stone structures built on top of a hill. Even though archeologists say these are prehistoric structures built around 5000 years ago, local people insist that these structures were not created by human beings and were built much earlier in time. They say these huge structures, which number in the hundreds, were built by a race of extraterrestrial called Moryar who visited us from another planet. Local say the Moryar were only 2 feet tall and were responsible for teaching human beings various arts and sciences.
ET Galactic Consciousness & Sovereign Spirituality! - Dark Journalist & Gigi Young
ET Galactic Consciousness
In this fascinating episode, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Intuitive Coach Gigi Young who has developed a unique method called ''Sovereign Spirituality'' that outlines the ability to push beyond boundaries and move into personal transformation. Her own experience with ET Consciousness has given her unique insight into the alien question and she has developed a strong identification of various ET types and what their mission is here on Earth.
Timelines Atlantis and UFOs
Gigi outlines the strange connection between ET experiencers and the Lost Continent of Atlantis and why so many people are drawn to this obscure time in history. She suggests that during that period humanity had a full understanding of psychic powers and were in regular contact with offworld civilizations. Later, as our consciousness dimmed we started overall to forget these visitors and the mythology around Atlantis and UFOs became a cultural memory preserved in traditions. Now it is slowly coming to the surface in the 21st century!
Ascension Into Higher Consciousness Vs. Spiritual Harvesting
Gigi sees a major movement towards higher awareness as individuals take a greater role in their own spiritual advancement and stop relying on Cults, Gurus and Marketing Obsessions that are the major obstacles in modern times to spiritual communities.
Running parallel with this new awakening is a major movement designed through promotional companies on one side and covert intel operators on the other, to harvest the uprising of higher consciousness and to exploit people's genuine interest into esoteric mysteries. She sees that now more than ever we need to take charge of our spiritual growth on this planet as we seek knowledge of greater forces outside of the material realm.
Dark Journalist also recounts the fascinating story of two boys in 1945 in San Antonio, New Mexico, that came across a crashed UFO and saw Mantis type beings inside that impressed unusual images and deep emotional feelings on them.
Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic False Flag
As part of our ongoing effort to explore our universe and seek answers to really big questions, The Health Ranger recently interviewed Dr. Steven Greer, M.D.
Dr. Greer, a prominent UFO researcher and emergency room physician, founder of Sirius Disclosure and creator of the popular new documentary Unacknowledged, explains that he believes many so-called ''UFO sightings'' are actually sightings of human-made aircraft, and that super secret groups exist inside U.S. government which plan to stage a faked, ''false flag'' alien invasion attack in order to roll out globalist government that tramples individual human liberties forever.
Wether or not you agree with his analysis, Dr. Greer is an intriguing and highly intelligent individual who has uncovered an astonishing wealth of evidence to suport his explanations.
Alien Resurrection Mantis Beings Mystery & Holographic UFOs! - Dark Journalist & Linda Moulton Howe
Alien Resurrection Technology
Linda recounts her deep investigation of unique UFO abduction cases where the contactee is shown an advanced genetic material process that involves keeping a human being alive or resuscitating them so they can achieve their true soul's purpose. She documents the case of Linda Porter who, in the middle of her abduction experience, was shown a process where the alien beings she encountered were constructing an identical clone of a dying man to transfer his entity using a complex process that involved life suspension tubes and bloodless surgery.
The beings explained that this was being done to allow the man to continue his present evolution and continue his contact with them. At one point Porter became extremely disturbed after seeing a figure in one of these tubes that closely resembled her.
Mantis Beings Psycho-Spiritual Mystery
In the middle of these ET Resurrection cases is an almost spiritual archetype of a wisdom figure appearing as a Praying Mantis. In Porter's case, she had the impression that the Mantis being knew the Earth from ancient times and was working desperately to try and remedy the current environmental conditions that threaten the future of the human race.
Alien creatures photographed on Venus?
The Space Research Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, recently published a series of photographs.
Taken by the Venera probe over 30 years ago, on the surface of our closest neighbour, Venus...The photos, according to Leonid Ksan-fomaliti, present evidence of living organisms upon Venus - one of the most inhospitable places for human life in the solar system. The second planet from the sun, it is believed to have once been earth-like, although the constant temperature there now is around 480 degrees Celsius, hot enough to melt lead, even hotter than Mercury, which is tremendously closer to our Sun.
According to Ksan-fomaliti's, who is doctor of physical and mathematical science for the Institute of Space Research, the images reveal the movement of extremely strange objects on the surface of Venus.
Predictably, NASA, along with many other institutes of research have attempted to debunk his discovery, stating that the objects are nothing more than a lens cap, and 'noise' generated by the second-hand pictures, claiming that some of the objects are not present in the original images.
Ksan-fomaliti believes that in the images, a scorpion-shaped creature, a disk shaped object, and a 'black object', are visible moving in front of the onboard camera of the Venera 13.
Quoting Ksan-fomaliti in an article for the Russian journal Solar System Research magazine: ''They all just, emerge, fluctuate, and then dissapear...What we forget about the currently held theory regarding the non-existence of life of Venus, and bodly suggest that these objects, these morphological features captured within these images, could allow us to say that they are indeed living''.
Aliens of the Old Testament - Erich von Daniken: Beyond the legend
Are the gods and angels of the Old Testament really extraterrestrial beings? Erich von Daniken examines passages from the Bible to prove that the gods and angels of the Old Testament were really beings who descended from heaven to create life on Earth and shape human destiny.
According to Daniken, the surviving scriptures have been mistranslated, all along. What we once called God and angels, were really extraterrestrial beings conducting genetic tests and social engineering for their own benefits. What befell human civilization from these machinations was documented as accounts of the Ark of the Covenant and Ezekiel's extraordinary journey in an alien spacecraft to a spaceport in another time.
Lost ancient civilization & Egyptians - Great Pyramid of Giza
We all taught in school that the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt was built to be a tomb for the Pharaohs. However, the evidence suggests that they were originally built for something far more sophisticated.
Space Fence Menace! Suborbital Servitude - Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland
The Space Fence: Covert Agenda Explained
In this exiting episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Chemtrails Expert Elana Freeland. Her classic book, Chemtrails HAARP & The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is the definitive book on these suppressed subjects. Her new book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails & Space Fence Lockdown, is the first major in-depth examination of the murky covert program that has been under development since the 1980s under the Reagan Administration where it was a major aspect of the SDI Star Wars Program.
Roots of the Space Fence: SDI Star Wars
When President Reagan announced that the US would be pouring vast resources into a major weaponization of Space with what he called the 'Strategic Defence Initiative' or 'Star Wars' it was widely assumed that it was meant as a missile shield program to deflect Nuclear Missile Launches from Russia. It's true purpose may have had just as much to do with protecting the world from 'An Alien Threat' as Reagan suggested in a UN Speech, that would bring the world together to fight a common enemy.
An Ionized Atmosphere: Space Fence Development
When the Soviet Union fell on December 26th, 1991, it was widely assumed that the SDI program was abandoned along with this historical event. In fact it appears that all the research around Star Wars was reintegrated into a covert initiative for building a Space Fence that would serve as a Major Global Surveillance and Control Grid. What was missing in the 1980s to realize this vision, came along in the 1990s with the development HAARP and the successful efforts to Ionize the Atmosphere. With this being achieve over the last two decades, the conditions are perfect for the full deployment of The Space Fence and all of its terrifying implications of worldwide dominance over communications and a new paradigm of Space being weaponized.
Ancient Egyptian pyramid cover up?
The lost history of the ''unfinished'' pyramid of Zawyet El Aryan, Egypt, and the figurative and literal cover-up of a pre-history ''pyramid'' just 4 miles south of Giza. Just how could the dynastic Egyptians possibly have done this jaw dropping structure?cover up,ancient Egyptian,
Stone made of ''pure oxygen'' found in Africa?
In 1990 an Italian geologist named Angelo Pitoni, would find an unusual stone while visiting Sierra Leone. A mysterious artefact that has baffled all who have studied it.
A local ''Fula Chief'' was said to have given it to Pitoni, a blue stone with mysterious white lines upon its surface. After returning to Europe, Pitoni took the stone to the Institute of Natural Sciences of Geneva and then University La Sapienza in Rome for further analysis.
To his surprise, tests revealed that it was not a turquoise, or indeed anything that could officially be identified. Furthermore, the blue stone didn't correspond to any known mineral. But the most intriguing thing is its colour. Researchers still do not understand how the stone has acquired or retained its colour, this, even though several universities and laboratories have analysed the artefact at great length, it seems its colour remains a mystery.
Mysteriously, at the University of Utrecht, the stone underwent several tests with use of strong acids but none of the acids could affect the stone.
It was even heated to over 3.000 degrees Celsius, yet its composition wasn't altered. When a small piece of the stone was pulverized, and viewed under the microscope, it curiously lost its colour.
Now known as the sky stone, according to analysis, an amazing 77.17% of the stone, is somehow made of pure OXYGEN. The remaining percentage was divided between carbon, calcium and another unknown element.
When researchers crushed a piece of the sky rock and mixed it with acetone, hexane and methylene, and then enhanced the extractions with ultrasound. They were eventually able to locate an organic compound that is currently unknown to science.
Dated at 55,000 years old just what is the sky stone? How could it possibly be made mostly of oxygen? Is this stone a past remnant left by a once advanced civilization? Or maybe its origins are not even local to earth...
Ocean water mysteriously vanishes from beaches - ''South America Roll''
Something is definitely happening. Beaches mysteriously go dry in Brazil and Uruguay in South America. Locals thought a tsunami was underway, but no tsunami. The water retreated farther than anyone there had ever seen, even under the most extreme circumstances never as far as it did on August 11th, 2017.
Beaches, cliffs and coast are washing away and eroding
Beaches and cliffs washing away: popular Senegal beaches washing away, Boston's risk for rising sea level, rising sea levels threaten Ghana's coastal communities and cliff erosion threatens to push California homes into sea.
Hoysaleswara temple, India, built with ancient machining technology?
This video show us some solid evidence of ancient machining technology at Hoysaleswara temple. There is something very strange about these pillars. If you look closely, you can see these minute circular marks all around the pillar. These are created as a result of machining the pillar on a lathe, this process is called turning. There is no way to achieve this with chisels and hammers manually. If you look at these pillars, it is crystal clear that they were made with machines.
In fact, archeologists agree that these pillars were created in a lathe, but offer no convincing explanation as to how these huge pillars were machined, 900 years ago. Nowadays, we are able to create these fascinating groves and designs on a lathe, but machining a 12 foot tall stone pillar would be a very difficult job, even today. So, how were these pillars created with amazing perfection in ancient time? Did ancient builders use machines and advanced tools, just like what we use today?If this is true, is it possible that they also carved these machines or tools in this temple?
Earth's resonance frequency is accelerating with more alertness appearing
For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz and sometimes even reaching 16.5 Hz. But nobody understands why!
This frequency does affect every living creature on the earth. Science has proven our brainwaves strongly respond to this energy, this frequency.
Sometimes this can come with anxiousness, along with many other feelings and emotions. Try not to be too eager to over react to situations, sit back for a minute and think things through completely, be rational and you know the drill...be wise.
Antarctica Atlantis! Edgar Cayce Power Crystal - Dark Journalist & Joseph Farrell
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell to analyze the strange history and the recent peculiar happenings around the mysterious icy continent of Antarctica.
The possibility that Antarctica once formed a part of Atlantis in ancient times is explored, along with the idea that a pole shift took place 12,000 years ago and may be responsible for its current position on the globe. Edgar Cayce's unique vision of the enigmatic Atlantean 'Mighty, Terrible Fire Crystal' or 'Tuaoi Stone' which powered the lost civilization is theorized as being the cause for the destruction and inundation of Atlantis.
Cayce's High Technology Version of Atlantis
While many esoteric traditions embrace the concept of a root culture that rose to great heights and destroyed itself, Cayce's unique version of Atlantis had them located on the heart of the Atlantic Ocean and fully equipped with Advanced Technology, Flying Ships, Solar Power Stations, Laser Weapons, and Age Rejuvenation Centers. He saw two major groups vying for power: the Sons of the Law of One, a spiritually advanced race of psychic avatars, and the Sons of Belial, a powerful group of black magic sorcerers and shadowy engineers.The war between these two groups actually set off volcano activity due to misuse of the Fire Crystals and was responsible for splitting the continent into three islands between Florida on one side and Spain on the other.
Eventually the advanced members of the Law of One group survived founded the Ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations and were responsible for the cultural pyramid building as a way to preserve their ancestral memory. With the latest happenings and developments that Dr. Farrell has been tracking since last year, is it possible a small part of this Atlantean group also went to Antarctica?
Rites and Rituals of the Cloudeaters - Timothy Alberino
Is there a connection between Sardinia and Atlantis? What is the rite of incubation? Why are people in certain cults obsessed with drawing power from the bones of giants? Are giants in stasis or suspended animation today? What is the true story of the Nephilim? All of this and more as Timothy Alberino joins Josh and Christina in this special extended interview of Into the Multiverse!
Massive explosion on the farside of the sun
On July 23, 2017 a spectacular explosion emerged from the farside of the sun.Coronagraphs onboard the orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) tracked the fast-moving cloud as it billowed into space, according to the Spaceweather website.
NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft, which has a partial view of the sun's farside, identified the source of the blast as active sunspot AR2665. STEREO-A observed an intense flash of extreme UV radiation from the sunspot's magnetic canopy.
Source: http://spaceweather.com/
Very rare ball lightning spotted in Bergamo, Italy
Ball lightning, a very rare and one of the most fascinating types of lightning, has been recorded in Bergamo., Italy around 01:30 CET on July 14, 2017 during severe storms.
Immediately after the strong pulsing glow came a very strong smell of sulfur, a common trait with ball lightning reports. There were no signs of fire the following morning and this occured some 2-3 meters (6.5-9.8 feet) above the tree tops on a hillside in front of the observers home, EU Storm Map reports.
Three-fingered alien mummy discovered in Peru, near Nazca Lines
A new anomalous discovery has been unearthed in Peru.
A number of self-proclaimed UFO researchers claimed that a recently unearthed humanoid-shaped mummy is the latest evidence of alien life on earth, in a press conference in Lima, on July 11 2017.
SOT, Jaime Maussan, journalist and UFO researcher claimed that a total of five ''well preserved'' or mummified alien bodies has been discovered near the famous Nazca Lines of southern Peru.
Jaime Maussan (Spanish): ''Especially in mummies as it has been demonstrated and we are going to present that they are more 1700 years of age, is to say those mummies casually correspond to the same time of the so-called Nazca lines.''
''Nobody has proven that it is a fraud. We are going to present preliminary evidence that will determine in the vision of the media, in the collective vision of the popular consciousness, the validity that it has. And if in some way it is considered that there is doubt and that this can be real, the obligation of the Peruvians first and the whole world is to preserve these bodies to find a true answer.''
''Apparently the body of a baby with the same characteristics according to the first analysis could be related. However now it is necessary to perform a DNA test to be able to determine the relationship between the two. Those are two bodies and there are three of which seem to have characteristics that are closer to reptiles than to humans, that is, we have five bodies.''
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