Erich Von Daniken, the world's most successful non-fiction writer of all time, has written 55 books and e-media on the topic and has sold over 65 million copies worldwide. His books have been translated into 32 languages.
In the United States, Erich Von Daniken won instant fame as a result of the television special ''In Search of Ancient Astronauts'', based upon his first book Chariots of the Gods.
In addition, Erich Von Daniken has participated and contributed in numerous film and TV productions, has written countless articles and compilations.
Fluent in four languages, Erich Von Daniken is an avid researcher and an energetic traveler, averaging 100'000 miles per year to visit remote places of the Earth. This enables him to closely examine the phenomena about which he writes. His research organization, the A.A.S.R.A./ legendarytimes.com (Archaeology, Astronautics & SETI Research Association), comprises laymen and academics from all walks of life. Internationally, there are about 10,000 members.
As a kid I always believed in the existence of aliens and when chariots of the gods came out it blew my mind and then I read the bible which I had never bothered to read before. When I read Ezekiels experiences and visions it all came together.