Mysterious light seen streaking across California sky, July 27, 2016
Southern California witnessed streaks of fire across the sky on Wednesday evening, July 27, 2016.
Youtube states: ''What appeared to be 2 burning bright lights amazed citizens of California, Utah, Nevada and Arizona on the night of July 27, 2016 @ 9:40 pm. The lights burned across the night sky for several seconds leaving an impressive ''stardust-like'' long trail behind it, and one witness says he heard a ''boom'' about 5 minutes after it had disappeared. This event looks eerily similar to an event that occured 24 years ago over the eastern US, which WAS a large meteor that fragmented and one of the fragments crashed into a parked car!''
UFOs CERN Timelines and the Montauk Project - Dark Journalist & Alexandra Bruce
In this exciting part 2 episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back the insightful author and publisher Alexandra Bruce for a deep revealing interview on UFOs, MILAB, Timeline Manipulation and Dimensional Doorways being opened by the CERN Hadron Collider.
Alexandra, a Brown University graduate, former MTV producer and independent filmmaker is the publisher of the popular ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net website that acts as an open source video network and features her unique writing style that explores eclectic themes like Deep State Politics, Alternative Healing, Free Energy, UFO Tehnology, Directed Energy Weapons, HAARP Weather Manipulation and more!
Exotic Technology
In this rare exclusive interview, Alexandra describes her personal journey of making sense of her early UFO encounters in Brazil and seeking out renowed Harvard Professor John Mack to try and regress her memory blocks around Alien Abduction. She describes her deep investigation into the Philadelphia Experiment and her tracking down of witnesses to the event and the Exotic Invisibility Technology that the US Navy developed to confuse enemy countries. Eventually the trail led her to the strange revelations of a Black Budget research lab known as The Montauk Project at Montauk Air Force Station in Long Island, New York.
The Montauk Project
Alexandra's original classic book dealing with The Montauk Project brought it to public awareness with its bizarre tales of Time Travel, Energy Manipulation, Psychic Consciousness, Astral Travel, Remote Viewing and Alternate Dimensions. She discovered witnesses who claimed to be part of a UFO Crash Retrieval team who said that they were being used on these black project experiments merging Human DNA with Alien technology. She also questioned a participant in his late teens who claimed that his consciousness had been placed in a younger vehicle after surviving many years as a soldier in Vietnam!
Was it all just an elaborate psy-op developed by the psychological mission branch of the military? Or did the experiments really take place? Many of the odd predictions surrounding the project seem to be coming to pass. The fascinating links between the Philadelphia Experiment, The Montauk Project, UFO Technology and the CERN Hardon Collider suggest that it is a technological continuum designed to develop an exchange system with an alternate dimension. This deep investigation is a startling breakthrough into the truly bizarre territory of deep black military project testing and human experiments.
Giant alien face crop circle causes extensive damage to UK wheat field
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Crop circle on Reigate Hill, Surrey. Photo: MrGyro.co.uk |
Date of discovery: July, 2016
Source news: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/giant-alien-face-crop-circle-causes-extensive-damage-to-uk-wheat-field_072016
A huge crop circle depicting an alien head wearing an Indian feather headpiece just randomly appeared in a wheat field in the UK.
No one knows who did it or why, but the people who own and work at the farm are reportedly ''devastated'' over the financial damage the crop circle has caused to their wheat harvest.
Mysterious Man in Black / Shadow man sightings worldwide! (2016)
The Slander Man (also known as Slenderman) is an alleged paranormal figure purported to have been in existence for centuries, covering a large geographic area. Believers in the Slender Man tie his appearances in with many other legends around the world, including Fear Dubh (or, the Dark Man) in Scotland, the Dutch Takkenmann (Branch Man), and the German legend of Der Grosse Mann (the Tall Man).

Stories of the Slenderman commonly feature him stalking, abducting or traumatizing people, particularly children. He is seen mostly at night peering into open windows and walks out in front of lone motorists on secluded roads. The Slenderman has also inspired many stories such as those of Marble Hornets. In the end though, his purpose remains unknown.
TheScariestMovieEver of Youtube examines several cases and interesting connections to Slenderman, and the predictive programming of the Man in Black.
Source: creepypasta.wikia * wikipedia
Massive X-shaped structure found in the center of the Milky Way
Researchers just discovered this massive X-shaped structure in the center of our Milky Way Galaxy.
What is it? Is it artificial or even of extraterrestrial origin? Built by ancient alien civilizations?
Source: DiscloseTV
Airport workers' disbelief as 'UFO' trailing blue smoke flies over the runway
Date of sighting: July 2016
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
Incoming! Airport workers' disbelief as 'UFO' trailing blue smoke flies over the runway.
Workers stopped what they were doing to crane their necks to the sky. Object spotted speeding through atmosphere, with plume of blue smoke.
The man filming the footage is clearly shocked by the bizarre sight. He is heard commenting: ''Check that out. It's going to hit the tip of the plane. ''
The camera then changes angles to show how fast the bright light it travelling across the sky.
The mysterious object was filmed at Miami Airport. After being shared on LiveLeak, it led to people discussing just what the strangle blue light was in the sky.
Commentators online believe it could be a rocket or missile launch.
Huge UFO found near the Sun, July 14, 2016
Date of discovery: July 14, 2016
Source photo: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query
This huge UFO was discovered by TheWatcher252 of YouTube in SOHO/NASA photos on July 14, 2016.
Proof: Real fairies - Alien fairy caught in Mexico and placed in jar, July 2016
New species? Or alien?
Alien fairy caught in Mexico and placed in jar on shelf. It has wings, body and real skeleton.
In this video, Brien Foerster is studying the latest find that is called a fairy. ''I saw this very odd animal in an office in Mexico City in January of 2016. As a trained biologist I have a hard time thinking it is fake. What do you think?''
Reflections from an alien contact, April 2016
Video states:
''Contact'' experiences range from the 3-Dimensional physically tangible kind to more subtle, out-of-body consciousness experiences that have been described by some as more ''real'' than reality itself. The sliding scale of experiences are 3D to 4D and perhaps beyond that. Some contact experiences have been described as invasive and upsetting, but much more often than that people describe feeling a sense of expansion in awareness and purpose after these consciousness expanding events.
For the very first time sharing her story publicly on EMN, Tracey talks about her ''contact'' experience that was witnessed by her friend at home in Washington State.
Tracey is presently an honors student interdisciplinary social sciences with a focus in psychology and international studies, hailing from a professional background in gaming in design from an industry leading gaming company.
Most specially, Tracey is an ''experiencer/contactee'' and explorer of consciousness.
Alien skull found on Denmark's Sealand Island
Video states:
Has the an alien skull been found in Denmark? For more information google ''Sealand Skull''.
A skull that seems to suggest it's from another world has been discovered...but what is it?
Danish workers on Denmark's Sealand Island, were replacing hundred year old sewer pipes, under a building that once belonged to a butcher, when they dug up an amazing humanoid skull.
It was brought to a Veterinary College in the capital, Copenhagen, where they concluded ''Although resembling a mammal, certain features make it impossible to fit the animal into Linnaean taxonomy''. It simply doesn't fit into the Earth's natural animal kingdom as we know it.
Carbon dating of the skull was conducted at the University of Copenhagen's Niels Bohr Institute for the sciences, where they determined that it was about 800 years old.
However, the workers who found the skull, found it buried above the hundred years old pipes, meaning that it must have been buried on purpose sometime after that. And there's even a good possibility that they know who might have hidden it there.
The island they found the skull on actually has some lore behind it. It is the legendary home of the secretive Order of Pegasus Light, an alleged secret society of poets, sworn to protect a group of unbreakable alien artifacts...and an alien skull...allegedly left behind by extraterrestrial visitors from the constellation Pegasus. The Order of Pegasus Light was formed in the 1300's and has had some of history's most influential writers as it's members, including William Shakespeare, Thomas Jefferson, H.G.Wells, and Ambrose Bierce. In centuries past, the elusive Pegasus skull has been witnessed in Europe's Balkan Mountains, Paris France, and Munich Germany, before being transferred to Sealand Denmark.
The skull is about 50% larger than that of a male Homo Sapiens. It's massive eye sockets contribute to this. With massive eye sockets...whatever this thing was must have massive eyes...therefore suggesting it had adapted to a very dark environment.
Some have suggested that it could belong a terrestrial creature unknown to science, but the skull's excellent dental condition would seem to indicate that this is no wild beast. Whatever this thing was just remains a mystery...
Media Mind Control & Forbidden Knowledge TV - Dark Journalist & Alexandra Bruce
In this fascinating part 1 episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews author and publisher Alexandra Bruce on pervasive Media Mind Control and the various entrainment processes they use to shape public opinion and manipulate the public narrative for social engineering in 2016.
Forbidden Knowledge TV
Alexandra, a Brown University graduate, former MTV producer and independent filmmaker is the publisher of the popular ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net website that acts as an open source video network and features her unique and incisive writing style that explores eclectic themes like Deep State Politics, Alternative Healing, Free Energy, UFO Technology, Directed Energy Weapons, HAARP Weather Manipulation and more!
Controversial Topics
Together they explore the layers of the social unrest being generated by covert forces using hot button political issues, false flag events and divisive tactics to shape the narrative of a top down, centralizing authority providing new security solutions. They expose the push for mandatory vaccines by dangerous Pharmaceutical Corporations using puppet politicians to enact the unconstitutional SB277 law ratified in California recently that removes the religious exemption, infringing the rights and separation of powers between Church and State.
They also reveal the strange pattern of deaths of Holistic Doctors associated with research on alternative cures for cancer and uncover the real facts behind the movie 'Vaxxed' being pulled from several film festivals because of the devastating revelations of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson of a coverup being orchestrated by high officials.
Heal for free: Edgar Mitchell
In this deep interview they discuss how Alexandra recently produced the breakthrough alternative health documentary 'Heal for Free' based on a newly-understood technique to ground with the Earth, which was found to reduce inflammatory disease in 95% of people studied in a University of Florida (Gainesville).
The film contains the last major interview with Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell who died recently, but left behind stunning testimony on his knowledge of the UFO issue and his belief that we need to bring and end to the obfuscation and wall of secrecy around this vital subject. As a special surprise for viewers Alexandra reveals for the first time her own compelling UFO sighting experiences in Brazil!
Unknown object appeared over Cumberland County, Maine, July 4, 2016
MUFON Case 77585
Date of sighting: July 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Cumberland County, Maine, USA
Unedited witness testimony: ''1. I was in my home with my wife and teenage son. We all saw the object high in the sky and we filmed the object using 60x HD camcorder. 2. My wife looked out the window and saw an object with bright light high in the sky. 3. We thought the object could be a sophisticate, large drone, possibly military. However when we reviewed the video at the end frame by frame it appears to spin and then disappear. 4. The object hovered stationary for several minutes. Using my HD video camera zoomed in at 60x. I could see an A-frame shape for each structure; a red and green light in the middle, and 3 bright white lights on top. It began spinning and then disappeared as shown frame by frame on the video. It returned a few minutes later in the same location but facing a different direction. It hovered stationary again and then disappeared. The video zoom did not resolve well but the object appeared to change color all at once to red before it disappeared. 5. We were excited to see the object even if it turns out to be just a drone. My wife posted the video clip to her facebook account and friends were shocked. Some said it was just a drone, but other did not. 6. We lost sight of the object because it disappeared.''
The case remains under investigation by Maine MUFON.
Cover-up: ''Guided alien craft watching Earth-Moon system'' Asteroid 2010 KQ by NASA
Source: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news168.html
US Government coverup of Alien ET Craft activity taking place on and off of Earth.
NASA claims this is 'AN ARTIFICIAL CRAFT' or an Unnatural path and is not a Space Rock, not an Asteroid.
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Trajectory of Asteroid 2010 KQ - March - Oct 2010. |
Asteroid 2010 KQ is not an asteroid. Scientists strongly suspect it to be a Rocket Stage that escaped years ago from the Earth-Moon system. Asteroid 2010 KQ is a constructed Body on an unnatural trajectory path. It appears to be a 'CONTROLED and Guided ALIEN CRAFT OBSERVING EARTH-MOON SYSTEM' and does not intend to impact Earth.
Bizarre giant planet with three suns and an almost impossible orbit discovered
Source: http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1624/
Luke Skywalker's home planet, Tatooine, in the Star Wars saga, was a strange world with two suns in the sky, but astronomers have now found a planet in an even more exotic system, where an observer would either experience constant daylight or enjoy triple sunrises and sunsets each day, depending on the seasons, which last longer than human lifetime.
Located about 320 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus (The Centaur), HD 131399Ab is about 16 million years old, making it also one of the youngest exoplanets discovered to date, and one of very few directly imaged planets.
With a temperature of around 580 degrees Celsius and an estimated mass of four Jupiter masses, it is also one of the coldest and least massive directly-imaged exoplanets. Read more here.
NASA: Huge UFO fleet is behind the Moon - intentions unknown
Source: http://helenastales.weebly.com/blogue/nasa-huge-ufo-fleet-is-behind-the-moon-intentions-unknown
A consultant at NASA and the NSA gave a series of incredible statements.
Over the last 12 years, Dr. Eric Norton, an external consultant for NASA and the NSA, was responsible for identifying threaths coming from the space, such as asteroids and comets. However, in January 2012, he identified something serious. He noticed an enormous alien fleet heading towards the Earth.
On January 22, he was invited to the McDonald Observatory, located near Fort Davis in Texas. The tools provided by this observatory helped him to notice this threatening group of UFOs.
''I saw plenty of huge, three dimensional space objects, flying in a straight line formation towards the Earth.''
Two UFOs captured over Seattle, Washington, June 21, 2016
MUFON Case 77300
Date of sighting: June 21, 2016
Location of sighting: Seattle, Washington, USA
Unedited witness testimony: ''I was at work and two stationary bright points of lights in broad daylight caught my eye. I told a co worker to go grab my bag which I keep a camcorder in, while I kept any eye on the two objects. I don't believe they were giving off their own light but rather reflecting the sunlight. I turned on my camcorder and attempted to zoom in on the objects but it was difficult since they were so small and the camera had a hard time focusing in on them. I was eventually able to zoom in on one of them, focused long enough but still couldn't tell what I was seeing. Not until I was able to view the footage in a larger screen. When I got home and I was able to view the footage, the object appeared to be a highly reflective, ''squared'' (meaning sharp edges, not curved), capital ''H''. It had two long squared pillars with a short bar in the middle...like a capital ''H''. I recorded them for sometime then they slowly went behind the building. I went to put my camcorder away only to see them again but further to the right. So either they came back almost to the point where I originally saw them or there were two more that I didn't see when I saw the original two objects. Then those two eventually drifted behind the building as well.''
This case remains under investigation.
How do you explain this Mandela effect/CERN connection?
Seriously wild stuff...Must see...what does it mean? Proof of Psy Op, Predictive Programming, actual Time/SpaceManipulation?
The mysterious kingdom of Shambhala
Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning ''place of peace'' or ''place of silence'', is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet.
As told in legend, the mystical land of ''Shambhala '' is a place where one can become immortal, never to suffer or be weak again, and it's filled with wisdom and love all around it. The Kalachakra speaks of Shambhala in greater detail, saying that only individuals with the appropriate Karma can reach it. The texts also prophecise an ''End of the world'' event, in which the ''Barbarians'' will rage war against the Shambhala.
The ancient giants of Nevada and the mystery of Lovelock Cave
Was North America once inhabited by a race of giants? According to an old legend supported by several challenging archaeological finds, it is possible.
Many Native American tribes tell stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were much taller and stronger than ordinary men. These giants are described as both brave and barbaric and legends often mention their cruelty towards whomever they pleased.
The Paiute, a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago, have an outstanding legend about a race of red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. The ancestors of the Paiute described them as savage and inhospitable cannibals.
In the Northern Paiute language, 'Si-Te-Cah' literally means 'tule-eaters'. Legend has it that the giants came from a distant island by crossing the ocean on rafts built using the fibrous tule plant.
As odd as it may sound, this legend repeats itself all over the Americas, suggesting it might be an incomplete chronicle of a real event that happened long ago.
In Cronicas del Peru, sixteenth century Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de Leon recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the origin of the South American giants. According to legend, they ''came by sea in rafts of reeds after the manner of large boats; some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary fair-sized man.''
Could the giants of Peru and the Si-Te-Cah have been survivors of a massive cataclysm who took refuge on the American continent? (source: The Seven Tales)
UFOs appear in Henderson despite fireworks happening everywhere, July 2016
Date of sighting: July 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
These UFOs were caught by Steve Barone of Youtube on July 2, 2016.
Steve Barone states: ''I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of July 2, 2016. Being that the 4th of July was only two days away I wondered what kind of night it was going to be. I see fireworks going off all year long and it gets heavy around holidays where fireworks are typically used to celebrate. I definitely saw plenty of fireworks going off last night but it didn't seem to have any effect on the UFO activity. I caught these UFOs that I see all the time out in the desert in Henderson along with an amazing display at the Air Force Base. There were also some objects that appeared in the north valley. I used up a new set of batteries on the night vision camera because that event went on so long. It turned out to be a bit of a bummer because after filming four lights sitting still just hovering and flashing there was only one time where a fifth object appeared and moved briefly. I put that video together and decided to delete it because it wasn't really anything special and I need all the room I can save on my external hard drives.''
The origin of the blue eyes: The ancient 'Gods' and their royal descendants
Geneticists compared mitochondrial DNA from blue-eyed individuals in countries as diverse as Jordan, Denmark, and Turkey, concluding that people with blue eyes have a single common ancestor that lived by the Black sea around 8,000 years ago, spreading out with agriculture.
Source: The Seven Tales
Evidence of humanity's lost 'sixth sense' may have been found
A US scientist has claimed to have found evidence of a ''sixth sense'' in humans that can detect the Earth's magnetic fields.
Joe Kirschvink, from the California Institute of Technology, says his experiment can also be ''repeated and verified'', something research on magnetoreception has never been able to do before.
The trial, which involved just 24 people and has not yet been peer reviewed, builds on a 2016 study that suggested other mammals, including dogs, foxes and primates have ''magnetic sensors''in their eyes.
Using a Faraday cage and a EEG monitor, Kirschvink observed reproducible changes in human alpha brain waves when adjustments were made to the magnetic field around them.
Source: http://www.wired.co.uk/
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