Mysterious Man in Black / Shadow man sightings worldwide! (2016)

The Slander Man (also known as Slenderman) is an alleged paranormal figure purported to have been in existence for centuries, covering a large geographic area. Believers in the Slender Man tie his appearances in with many other legends around the world, including Fear Dubh (or, the Dark Man) in Scotland, the Dutch Takkenmann (Branch Man), and the German legend of Der Grosse Mann (the Tall Man).

It is depicted as resembling a thin, unnaturally tall man with a blank and usually featureless face, wearing a black suit.
Stories of the Slenderman commonly feature him stalking, abducting or traumatizing people, particularly children. He is seen mostly at night peering into open windows and walks out in front of lone motorists on secluded roads. The Slenderman has also inspired many stories such as those of Marble Hornets. In the end though, his purpose remains unknown.

TheScariestMovieEver of Youtube examines several cases and interesting connections to Slenderman, and the predictive programming of the Man in Black.


 Source: creepypasta.wikia * wikipedia

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