Bizzare UFO videos - April 2015
Thirdphaseofmoon - Top 4 UFO sightings April 2015
Witnesses state:
1.Vintage UFO Footage From Shannon
''Recorded Sep 12th, 1992. The lights were just above the water in Lake Michigan. There weren't any sounds other than us talking so that's not important. Filmed a light in the sky, it left a very long white trail while moving up and down. I filmed it on 7/1992 and put it on youtube under joechristol (is this a ufo) I wanted to know what you thought of it. After the car goes by there is a good shot of a long trail of the light if you watch the whole clip.''
2. Rob Hood: ''I am in a production and we were doing time lapse of old abandon hospital. Notice the anomaly? UFO caught on time lapse. Frames are 10 seconds apart, 550 frames. Location: Vicksburg Mississippi. 4/25/15. Whats your take on the object?''
3. Mike: ''4/17/2015. I saw 2 glowing orbs in the night sky, I decided to film them and send it here!''
4. Dominican Republic UFO Massive Bumerang (DRUMB)
Mike Peraza: ''I just found a Massive UFO/USO off the coast of Dominican Republic...The object meassures more than 27 miles head to toe.''
A unidentified flying thing was spotted whizzing over the Bronx, New York, April 2015
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Photo: Andres Morales (Source) |
The bizzare red light darting above East 149th Street and Bruckner Expressway perplexed and amazed Hunts Point earthlings, many of whom called 911 in search of an explanation.
''They're not moving, then darting off at unbelievable speeds,'' Ryan Sprague, a self-described ''UFO journalist'' told the Post. ''I just don't think that's something a human could survive.''
Juan Marrero said he, too, had a close encounter. ''I look up and see this fireball, 'Whoosh!' and then another, 'Whoosh!' '' said Marrero, 57, a pigeon fancier who was on the roof of his building at 11:30 p.m. when he saw two bright lights streaking across the sky. ''From one side of the sky to the other, too fast for an airplane.'' (Read more)
Source: http://nypost.com/2015/04/27/locals-freak-out-after-spotting-flying-spaceship/
Possible UFO at ISS - April 22, 2015
The new UFO was sighted by the YouTube UFO poster Streetcap1, who put the video online on April 23.
''On April 22 Streetcap1 of Youtube was taking a look at the live NASA space station cam when he caught glimpse of a small metallic disk in the distance. At first it looks like the disk is moving, but I believe it has matched speed with the space station,'' wrote Scott C. Waring, editor of the popular UFO Sightings Daily site.
''The movement is caused by the camera changing angle and moving to the left into a new view. You can see the camera arm (white) moving with it. Now this is where you say, 'Scott...that UFO isn't moving, how do you know its a UFO if it doesn't move? ' Good question, actually the space station is in orbit moving at 7.66 km per second, or 26,000 km per hour. That's fast and that means if this UFO looks like its not moving its because its matched speed with the space station, therefore its moving at 26,000 km per hour. So it's moving.''
Here is a shot provided by Waring.
Teotihuacan in Mexico: Mysterious Ancient Pyramidal Complex
The huge ancient site in Mexico called Teotihuacan, the ''Birthplace of the Godes'' or ''Where Men Became Gods'' in the Aztec Nahuatl language was supposedly built by the Toltec people about 100 AD. However, it is possible that at least aspects of this site are far older.
Pyramid seen from the Mars Orbiter Camera
A pyramid on Mars? This image was taken by Mars Orbiter Camera - M2301470.
NASA link: http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/m19_m23/full_gif_non_map/M23/M2301470.gif
Ancient Aliens S07E14 - Aliens and the Civil War
Ancient Aliens: Aliens and the Civil War
History Channel, Season 7 Episode 14
The Civil War nearly destroyed the great experiment known as the United States of America, but is it possible that the preservation of the republic was influenced by extraterrestrial beings? Abraham Lincoln described strange visions and premonitions that occur before pivotal moments in his presidency. Union officer Ambrose Bierce wrote about mysterious disappearances and inter-dimensional travel. And a ghostly image of George Washington was witnessed by hundreds of soldiers at Gettysburg-prompting an official government investigation. Is it possible that extraterrestrials were present during the Civil War? If so, were they simply passive observers, waiting to see if our fragile democracy could survive this test? Or did they take an active roll in order to preserve the Union?
Huge eruption at Calbuco volcano in Chile, UFOs caught going into plume
Volcano Calbuco in southern Chile has erupted for the first time in more than five decades on Wednesday, sending a thick plume of ash and smoke nearly 20 kilometres into the sky. Local reports say people are rushing to fill up gas tanks and buy food.
Calbuco is a stratovolcano in southern Chile, located southeast of Llanquihue Lake, in the Los Lagos Region. The volcano and the surrounding area are protected within Llanquihue National Reserve.
In the next video DAHBOO777 shows the moment the UFOs/Orbs fly into the ash cloud.
You can catch the UFO/Orb objects at the :11 second Mark of the original video below.
NASA's NEOWISE images: Comet Lovejoy glows red, indication it's really a UFO
NASA says: ''This image of Comet Lovejoy C / 2014 Q2 combines a number of observations in November 13, when the Comet Lovejoy was 1.7 astronomical units from the sun. (An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and the Sun)
The red color is caused by the strong signal in the detector wavelength of 4.6 microns from NEOWISE, due to a combination of gas and dust in the coma of the comet.''
But UFOvni2012 not agree with the explanation of NASA.
UFOvni2012 says: ''NASA tries to pass off this photo as a comet, but when has a comet every looked red? No comet could emit a red light as it travels through space, however a static field around a spaceship could create such a color. This my friend, is a UFO seen in 5 different positions. I ask you, have you ever seen a comet glowing red?''
UFO over Tijuana, April 14, 2015
Cadena News, a Mexico-based news site, posted videos of several mysterious lights above Tijuana. The videos show an incredible display of lights by what seems to be a disc-shaped object.
Alfredo Alvarez, a Cadena News reporter, posted two videos to his YouTube account and then Cadena News posted them to their website. Aside from the titles ''OVNI en Tijuana (UFO in Tijuana)'' and ''Otro OVNI en Tijuana (Another UFO in Tijuana),''no further description is being provided by Alvarez.
Cadena News provided slightly more information stating that the sightings happened in corner 10 de Mayo and Boulevard 2000. The news site noted, however, that UFO isn't synonymous with an alien.
Source: latest-ufo-sightings
Red UFO in Lima, Peru, April 13, 2015
UFO was videotaped in the district of San Isidro, Lima, Peru.
According to the website ''Con Nuestro Peru'', ''...the object was filmed by Diego Bravo Trettenero (26), bank employee, who had left the gym around 21:30 on Monday 12 April. The gym is located near the stadium of San Isidro, near the ocean.''
Add ''Bravo narrated that with him were about seven or eight people who watched the strange craft. Moved by surprise, took his cell phone and managed to capture some of what I saw.''
''It stated that he thought the object made no noise and was visible for about two minutes and a half, fast-moving vertically, diagonally and making moves that do planes or drones. According believes the object was about 65 feet long, ''concludes this website.
Brien Foerster talks about Ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramid
Brien Foerster talks about Ancient Egypt and the Great Pyramid on UBNRadio. He discusses the evidence in stone that the Great Pyramid and other structures were made thousands of years before the dynastic Egyptians. He says he can proof as regards the stone cutting technology involved.
Is this Master Jedi Yoda appearing in a medieval manuscript?
The similarity to Jedi Grand Master Yoda was recently highlighted by British Library curator Julian Harrison, who runs the Medieval Manuscripts blog. Harrison mentioned the drawing when he spoke to The Guardian about his job and the new popularity of illuminated manuscripts on the Web.
''The Yoda image comes from a 14th-century manuscript known as the Smithfield Decretals,'' Harrison said, after we reached out to the British Library.
''I'd love to say that it really was Yoda, or was drawn by a medieval time traveler,'' Harrison continued.
''It's actually an illustration to the biblical story of Samson - the artist clearly had a vivid imagination!''
The volume is also known as ''The Decretals of Gregory IX with gloss of Bernard of Parma,'' and it was created in southern France between 1300 and 1340. Decretals are collections of papal letters that compiled decisions (decrees) on church law and doctrine.
Source: cosmostv
Giant UFO caught by Space Station NASA Cam hovering over Earth, April 15, 2015
A giant UFO was sighted hovering high above Earth by a NASA camera positioned on the International Space Station, according to Scott C. Waring, a prominent online UFO researcher, who revealed his latest purported discovery in a new video posted Tuesday.
''Of all the clouds, this object is floating above the clouds'', Waring says in his narration to the new video. ''It's even higher than the clouds, and it's huge. Look at the size of that!''
''This UFO is trying to simulate the color of the clouds around it. The size of this UFO is 3-10 miles across. If that isn't an indication that humanities ancient radar system needs updating then I don't know what is.''
Are these UFOs in the skies over Ullapool or just clouds?
News states:
Conspiracy theories have emerged around UFOs after a picture was taken above the west coast of Scotland.
Neil Borthwick captured the pictures of flying-saucer shaped clouds from his home in Ullapool last night after he saw them above Loch Broom. The 54 year old soon posted them online, prompting conspiracy theories to blossom.
William Topping from South Shields, wrote on Facebook: ''You might be laughing but these exact same cloud formations turned up on several different sites today and were witnessed at over 20 locations in the northern hemisphere, all within 60 minutes of each other.
''And as stated, absolutely identical, carbon copies.
''Now that is spooky...
''So much so, NASA took a whole load of them down within minutes of publishing.''
Mr. Borthwick was less taken in, unwilling to believe aliens would visit Ullapool.
He said: ''It was shortly after 8pm, I just happened to glance at the window and I thought, that's interesting.
''I went out onto the street beyond mine to get a photo. I'd reckon the clouds were in view for up to half an hour.
''There were other people taking photos of the sky - the sunset was spectacular apart from the fact the clouds were there.
He added: ''I'm not suggesting for one minute we are being invaded by aliens. If they ever did come I'm not sure they would land in Ullapool anyway.''
Ancient Aliens evidence - Erich von Daniken tells all (Just Energy Radio)
Erich von Daniken explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited in the past. From ancient Egypt to from early cave drawings and continuing mass sightings in the US, Erich von Daniken offers grounded theories surrounding this age old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago?
Andrew Danziger: Obama's pilot saw a giant UFO during campaign flight
Andrew Danziger claims to have seen a mysterious white disc floating in the sky during a routine flight across America.
According to Mirror, Andrew Danziger flew President Obama during 2008 election campaign. The American pilot says he saw a white disc flying through the sky during a standard flight between Kansas and Iowa in April 1989. The white disc then changed into a''giant red ball'' and glowed for about 30 seconds before dissapearing into the clouds.
He and the captain who was also in the cockpit saw the spooky alien craft for about 40 minutes before it began to change colour and disappeared.
''It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit, '' Danziger told the New York Daily News.
''While neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn't from here,'' he said.
He says that when he reported the sighting, he was told that many pilots often spot unidentified flying objects while traversing the skies.
''We new through the grapevine that pilots weren't supposed to talk about UFOs so we swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed not to talk about our incident to any of our co-workers.''
But Danziger is sure that he isn't the only airman to have spotted an unexplained craft in the skies.
''I'm not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs'', he said.
Read full story: http://www.cosmostv.org/2015/04/andrew-danzigerobamas-pilot-saw-giant.html
Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/technology-science/science/former-obama-pilot-admits-alien-5483511
UFO near ISS, April 9, 2015
Another UFO was found by Streetcap1 near the ISS, on April 9, 2015.
Streetcap1: ''More frequent than before, ufos are seen at the ISS even though NASA try to limit observation time on individual cameras. The best stuff is deleted from public archives.''
UFOs over El Paso, Texas, 1st April 2015
Witness report: ''On 4/1/15 at 1:07pm, my wife, daughter, son & I observed these lights. We watched them for 20 minutes. This is only 4 min of what we saw. We saw them ascend, descend, & move around. The storage of my iPhone became full and I couldn't record any more. But we actually saw them travel from El Paso to over Las cruces in the blink of an eye. That's like 80 miles away in a blink. They then ascended together and moved toward Alburquerque at a high rate of speed. They were gone! I've been a licensed pilot for 12 years and have never seen aircraft like this or witnessed aircraft travel at such great distances so quickly. I apologize for the audio, I was super excited!Also, video does not do this justice, it was far brighter, clearer and dramatic in person.''
Black triangle UFO filmed over Royorsford, PA
MUFON Case 62573
Some of the best footage to date of the infamous and elusive black triangle has been submitted to MUFON on today, the 12th of January. The sighting took place in Royorsford Pennsylvania back in July of 2013 when the witness states that they were driving home from the local 7/11 on a warm summer night. The witness reports seeing the triangular object hovering over houses that were around 3,500 sq. feet in size, to give a size reference to the object. The viewer was not alone however, and had two other witnesses with him or her in the vehicle.
I would be willing to go out on the limb to say that the craft that this witness observed was a man made, black budget funded TR-3B or variant thereof. And with the amount of R&D taking place along the Eastern Seaboard it just seems all the more likely that we have a homegrown UFO on our hands.
The witness even goes as far to have filed a police report regarding the object.
Source: ufodigest
UFO sighting - Fort Wayne, IN, USA, March 17, 2015
MUFON Case 64035
Witness statement: ''After my event this weekend on 3-14-15 I have been looking in the same place to just check and last night at 9:10 pm I looked out of my window and saw the object had come back and went outside and took a few photos and a video and came back in to look at them. After viewing them I saw that it was back and looked back out and saw it was till there so I made a few more pictures and videos checking off and on as it was cold out and then I saw I could film from my bathroom window and took an almost 4 min video and a few more pictures bracing my camera on the window to reduce shake or camera motion. I made a last check at about 10 pm and saw it was no longer there and took one last video to have as a comparison of what it looks like with out a UFO to show no towers or any other structures on the top of the skyscrapers could cause this.''
Silent glowing UFO has been caught soaring above USA
This silent glowing UFO has been caught by local eyewitnesses flying above Dallas, Texas, on October 18, 2013. The witnesses have stated that the UFO had bright lights and made no sound.
Eyewitnesse testimony:
''My son and I had just gotten outta the car and were heading inside. We have this habit of staring up into the sky at night sometimes because were always been interested in the whole UFO thing.
He saw it and said ''Hey Mom, look at that.'' I looked up and just assumed it was a passenger plane, even though the two nearest airports are quite a ways away from where we are, we just sort of brushed it off and went inside. Even though I had never seen those many lights on an airplane before, we continued inside.
It wasn't until Sunday when I got onto Facebook and saw the posting that I flashed back to what we saw. I then realized that what we saw had absolutely no sound. If my son hadn't have noticed it (the lights were quite bright) we never would have seen it. And I realized that it was flying awfully low to be that far away from the nearest airport. If I had to measure the distance from the ground where it was I guess I would say it was about 15 stories high.''
Source: ufosightingsblog
In Search of Aliens S01E04 - The Roswell Rock
Season 1, Episode 4 - The Roswell Rock

Theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos sets out to determine the origin of this intriguing stone. Through a series of experiments Tsoukalos unveils whether The Roswell Rock is merely a man-made fabrication or something much more. How could the precise design have been created without leaving evidence of altering the stone? Why does this small rock react to magnets? And most baffling of all - why does the design match a crop circle that appeared more than 4,000 miles away from the Nevada desert?
Strange objects & tool / handle on Sol 925 of Curiosity Rover mission
Whatupinthesky37 description:
''This whole area has caught my eye. It almost looks like coral or possibly something that has been under water. I didn't mention this in the video but there also seems to be tracks from something other then the rover maybe? Could just be the soil. It also looks like this area had been very ornately carved. To the bottom right of the image is a perfectly straight cylinder that looks to be a tool of some sort. You could surely pick it up and turn it into a pretty hard core weapon. Not sure what to think of this area. It may just be carved by mother Mars.''
NASA Link: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00925/mcam/0925MR0040680050501712E01_DXXX.jpg
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