White orb caught over Dublin, Ireland

MUFON Case 92671

Date of event: June 9, 2018

Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland

Long description of sighting report:

''On Saturday 9th of June 2018 at 18:00 hours I was having a family barbecue. It was a crystal clear sky. This object caught my eye, it was stationery and very high in the sky, it was turning and pulsating, it seem to have three lights at the bottom of it. I observed this object carefully through my binoculars at this stage. My partner and my daughter also witnessed this and my daughter took a video of this. The family next door also came out to witness this as I was observing this object for 45 minutes when I witnessed a smaller orb come out from the side of it. It darted up and down a few times before disappearing again. I then lost sight of the object. After a while when myself and my partner went to the front of the house the object reappeared in the sky. I showed my partner the object through the binoculars when my partner asked what where the objects beside it. When I looked through the binoculars myself I witnessed 9 orbs in formation of which two were moving. I watched this some time and then returned to the main object, I then saw a small orb around the main object again which appeared and disappeared again. I return outside after a short while and the object was no longer there.''


Best UFO sightings of June 2018

UFO World TV  presents a compilation with the best UFO sightings of June 2018.


Mandela Effect explained by Parallel Universe and Multiverse Theory

So, what is the Mandela Effect? There have been many definitions to this strange occurrence.
Psychologists explain the Mandela Effect via memory and social effects - particularly false memory. This involves mistakenly recalling events or experiences that have not occured, or distortion of existing memories. The unconscious manufacture of fabricated or misinterpreted memories is called confabulation. In everyday life confabulation is relatively common. But most people dismiss this psychological explanation, simply because there are way too many people who remember the exact same thing, with great detail. These people attribute these false memories, to the existance of multiple universes, or parallel universes, and believe their consciousness tapped into these realities which left them with the so called false memories, who in fact are real memories, simply not of this reality, but of a parallel one.


War of the Titans - Robert Sepehr

In Greek mythology the Titanomachy, or War of the Titans, was the ten-year series of battles which were fought in between the two camps of deities long before the existence of modern mankind: the Titans of Atlantis and the Olympians and their allies.


Earth Changes, May 2018 - Extreme weather around the world

While unseasonable snow fell throughout the month of May from the Rocky Mountains and northern USA, to Canada, northern Europe, northeast China, northern India, Kashmir and Nepal, it was flooding of ''biblical'' proportions around the world that stole the snow this month.

The US and much of Europe also got their share of tornados and damaging hailstorms...giant hail is becoming the new normal in many parts of the world it would seem.

Thousands of people across South America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa were displaced and left without electricity in some areas as a result of remarkably heavy and persistent rainfall. Somalia, that had been suffering from extensive drought, is now flooded due to unprecedented rain while the desert nation of Yemen received 3 years of rainfall in just one day as a result of Cyclone Mekunu. The first named storm of the 2018 season, hurricane Alberto, also brought floods and destruction to Cuba.

The sheets of rain, hail, floods and unusual temperatures also damaged a large amount of crops in some of the world's most fertile areas, adding to concerns of a food crisis in not too distant future.

This month's volcanic activity was crowned by Kilauea that continues to produce an unstoppable lava flow that has affected thousands of Hawaiian residents. As the lava poured, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake also shook the big island triggering a swarm of smaller quakes and at least a dozen lava spiting fissures that opened up afterwards destroying 37 buildings, including 28 homes. At least 1800 were ordered to evacuate. The Kilauea volcano also surprised with methane flames at the end of the month, and toxic gas has engulfed the area.

But Kilauea is not the only one spitting lava, many other volcanoes around the Ring of Fire - like the Volcan de Fuego, Sinabung, and Mount Merapi - are active and raging...


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