The rock we all live on called Earth is cracking up!
We are talking about the rock we all live on called Earth and it seemed to be well cracking up in more ways than one also seems what is up with the Sinkholes?
Almost like something or someone been doing a little underground digging, what was that story about a race of being who inhibit under the Earth, maybe they are expecting something.
Could be something is tugging on our planet and we are seeing the effects. No matter what something is going on I mean cracks as big as states showing up, shows the tectonic plates are shifting.
Gaia - Connecting with Universal Consciousness
The notion of what consciousness is has eluded even the most erudite of scholar and diligent of researcher. But what about notions of Universal Consciousness? If finite consciousness within the human form have proven so elusive, then grasping notions of a universal consciousness must be even more enigmatic.
Start upon your journey of awaykening and enlightenment by exploring what consciousness is, where it comes from and how we are all connected through a universal consciousness.
Akhenaten discovery changes history forever! - Dark Journalist & Dr. Carmen Boulter
Changing History Forever!
In this earth-shattering episode full of historic revelations, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Pyramid expert Dr.Carmen Boulter back to the show for some History Changing Revelations about the shocking discovery of a secret site unearthed in Turkey of an Ancient Egyptian chamber that bears a strong resemblance to King Tut's tomb and that contains a wealth of Egyptian treasure and lifelike statues of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten along with exotic antiquities of the Amarna period. Exclusive PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE provided in this Part 1 episode to substantiate the claim makes this the most important Dark Journalist episode to date and represents an earthquake for our understanding of the ancient past, Changing History Forever!
Amazing Akhenaten Discovery Dates Egypt Back to 10,000 BC
This amazing discovery would be incredible and historic enough just by virtue of the fact of its being located in Turkey and suggesting that Queen Nefertiti fled with a small band of followers and escaped her husband's fate at the hands of the corrupt Amun Priesthood. But this historic find has even more secrets to reveal. The early testing of the artifacts reveals the extraordinary data that carbon dating tests put the age of the artifacts at approximately 10,000 BC, which throws a completely new light on the age of royal lineage of the Amarna ruling family. This royal like includes Akhenaten, Amenhotep, Nefertiti, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. It raises all kinds of important questions about our ancient history and strongly suggests that this unusual Amarna lineage may have been a Heritage of Blood transferred down from Royal Atlantis and is linked with advanced spiritual understanding and extraordinary psychic abilities.
Queen Nefertiti and The Pharaoh Akhenaten
The story of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife, Nefertiti has been portrayed by mainstream Egyptologists in a way that suggests that the Amun Priesthood was heroic, in deposing the heretically monotheistic ''mad king'', says Boulter. According to her, the real story is much more intriguing and it relates to Akhenaten's esoteric knowledge about the founding of Ancient Egypt. Why did the Priesthood attempt to strip Akhenaten and Nefertiti from history? Was Nefertiti able to escape, to conceal ancient knowledge of Egypt's Atlantean past and exotic origins in a secret sacred tomb in Turkey? The newly released Bombshell Photographs answer that question with a resounding YES!
In this stunning episode, Dr. Boulter explains that her new discoveries, inspired by her intutive sense as well as her expertise as a researcher, reveal that the corrupt Amun Priesthood attempted to eliminate the royal family in Egypt and killed the Pharaoh Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamun (King Tut), but that Queen Nefertiti fled to Turkey and escape their vicious treachery. She also explores the posibility that Akhenaten and Nefertiti were Atlantean supernatural beings that were giving humanity a new mystical philosophy of peace and spiritual attunement.
Dr. Boulter also discusses her five-part documentary series, ''The Pyramid Code'' that explores the esoteric wisdom the Egyptians used to built the incredible monuments at Giza. Her new documentary series called ''The New Atlantis'' will unveil her cutting edge and exciting research of an Atlantean culture that existed before recorded history, which formed the basis of the Sumerian, Egyptian, Mayan, and Inca Civilizations!
The Sun will turn into a ''ring of fire'' on February 2017
On February 26, 2017 the moon will block much of the sun in a so-called annular solar eclipse, also known as a ''ring of fire'' solar eclipse.
Skywatchers in parts of Africa will see the Moon pass directly in front of the Sun, creating the an annular solar eclipse. During an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is farther away from Earth than during a total solar eclipse, so it appears smaller and doesn't completely cover the Sun.
A partial solar eclipse will be visible from a much larger swath of South America and Africa (Antarctica).
The upcoming annular eclipse on February 26 occurs in the Southern Hemisphere , mainly over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. On land, the annular eclipse can be viewed from southern South America (Chile, Argentina) and the southeastern part of Africa (Angola, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo).
An annular solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun's center, leaving the Sun's visible outer edges to form a ''ring of fire'' or annulus around the Moon.
UFOs National Security and Deep Underground Bases! - Dark Journalist & Dr. Richard Sauder
Subterranean Secrets and UFO Technology
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and the author of Hidden in Plain Sight Dr. Richard Sauder continue their groundbreaking exploration of the Secret Network of Deep Underground Bases worldwide.
In this special part 2 episode they focus on the question of Underground UFO Bases and attempts from secret elements in the Military to conduct re-engineering experiments with UFO technology to built to Breakaway Civilization where a small group of government and scientific elites have access to almost legendary power and unknown advanced energy systems. They also explore what stage this breakaway group embedded inside the National Security State is at with the implementation of this otherworldly technology and if most of the wall of secrecy in intelligence circles is based on keeping this secret hidden at any cost. In addition they look at the Off-world visitors themselves and what their true agenda may be.
The National Security State Black Budget
The US National Security State dedicated massive black budget resources to the development of a sprawling network of secret underground command and control bases ostensibly for the survival of humanity in a doomsday scenario and to set up Continuity of Government operations in the event of a Nuclear War. Beyond this surface explanation there are fascinating reports of massive underground facilities designed specifically to test advanced and exotic UFO Technology obtained by crashed retrieval teams with a secrecy ranking that is higher than those set for nuclear classification.
The development of this reverse-engineered ET technology may be largely responsible for the massive secrecy surrounding the activities of this global network of deep underground bases.
Steve Quayle - There is advanced alien technology buried in Antarctica
Author Steve Quayle contends, ''Black physics is beyond the PhD level, and we are seeing this with CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research). What is so critical for people to understand is, as more activity takes place at CERN, the occult rituals associated with it are so in your face you can't dismiss this stuff anymore as being the ranting's of this fringe or that fringe. Something is happening, and the Antarctic is critical. It's my contention that because of the advanced technology of the Third Reich...that they went under the ice, so to speak, and came into contact with beings, sentient beings that Wernher von Braun and others have made reference to many times before they passed away. So, all this is a matter of record. When you put all the records together, it points to this: There is some entity or group of entities that are thinking and have advanced technology and, basically, give orders to the religious and political leaders of our day.''
''The history of the world is not what it is. It is what the powers that be pretend it to be. For the record, all of the world's leaders never believed that Hitler died in the bunker.''
The hidden psychedelic history of ancient civilizations
This new documentary shows ancient civilizations used hallucigens throughout the centuries for a wide range of purposes, psychedelic drugs continue to hold an air of mystique even today. The history of psychedelics reaches back as far as prehistoric times by some accounts, while psychedelic drugs have only just recently become an area of interest within the field of science. The history of psychedelics may offer clues as to how these powerful hallucinogens can be used for medicinal purposes and mid expansion.
This is the third in a series of documentaries and shows Psychedelics are known for their ability to alter conscious perception, and sometimes produce what seems like telepathic experiences. Throughout the history of psychedelics, these effects have been put to use in religious ceremonies as well as for recreational purposes. The early history of psychedelics centers around the use of naturally occurring substances, such as plants, cacti and mushrooms.
Super Volcano on brink of eruption scientists warn
The active volcano is responsible for one of the deadliest eruptions in human history and experts believe history is about to repeat itself.
The deadly North Korean super volcano, Mount Paektu, is set to erupt and cause a global catastrophe, the likes of which would not have been seen for a thousand years.
The 9,000 feet giant volcano located on the border between North Korea and China is the highest peak of the Korean Peninsula. Mount Paektu is not far from a North Korean nuclear test facility where the government is conducting nuclear bomb test.
Now, new studies show that the eruption could eject far more sulphur into the atmosphere than previously thought, which could devastate life on Earth.
Mount Paektu once underwent one of the most devastating eruptions in history in 946AD when it erupted so powerfully that it formed a five kilometre caldera at its summit and produced enough ash that it even showered Japan - almost 1,100 km away.
Castle discovered in Antarctica set to potentially 'rewrite' history!
Researchers claim to have found evidence in Google Earth High Altitude Imagery of an ancient city buried in Antarctic Ice. According to the General Hypothisis, what looks clearly like an artificially constructed fort-like structure was spotted emerging from beneath the Antarctic Ice in High Altitude Imagery.
The giant structure, allegedly about 400 feet (121 meters) across, looks like an oval-shaped medieval castle or fort with concentric walls, according to theorists. The giant circular structure in Antarctica gives strong evidence of a lost ancient city and civilization that once fluorished in the Antarctic regions.
But while some theorists said that the structure was built by advanced extraterrestrial beings, others insist it was built by humans.
Source: http://www.inquisitr.com
Bright object appeared out of nowhere over Willis, Texas
MUFON Case 81488
Date of event: January 11, 2017
Location of event: Willis, Texas, USA
Eyewitness states:
''Backyard, laying on lawn chair listening to wind in the trees. watching shadows race across the moon, lights appeared out of nowhere, bright almost lumescent. Object moved back and forth over mile radius in literally 2 seconds flat, then descended instantly, out of sight, reappeared 3 seconds later, then ascended straight up into sky and was gone. So fast.''
Witness image 1. (Credit: MUFON) |
Witness image 2. (Credit: MUFON) |
Bright orbs in triangular formation in the sky above Gosport, UK
Date of sighting: January 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Gosport, South Hampshire, UK
Source: MUFON
Witness report:
''3 lights flying randomly side to side, up and down, forming triangles, seemed random flight paths. I work as a cleaner, I went outside at 22.50 to dispose of rubbish bags into a bin and noticed 3 green lights at around a 30 degree angle north-west of my position. Distance and height were too difficult to estimate from my position but after checking on google maps there are mostly only fields in that direction. The postcode I observed from was PO13 0HR. The lights were evenlyspaced in a large triangle formation with one more forward than the others when I first noticed them.
They then all turned purple and started to move. You can observe in the video how them moved. I had full zoom using a phone camera so quality isn't great but they were all bright purple in colour and didn't change again. They seemed to move in a random manor, moving side to side and up and down very quickly and turning very sharply.They would pass each other to swap sides, sometimes coming back to form triangles for a few seconds before moving again. Several times, it looked as though one moved into another and became one light before breaking apart again. They disappeared below the houses several times so that I couldn't see from my position what they were doing until the final time when I waited several minutes before giving up that they woudn't appear again so whatever it was possibly landed because they didn't appear above the houses again. I went back inside the building onto the second level to view from a higher angle and could see one light again just above the house but it quickly disappeared downwards and that was the last I saw of them. They never went higher than the initial height I observed them at.
There were no other aircraft I noticed in the area although there is a small airfield behind my position. The weather was dry (although rain earlier in the day), the sky seemed clear, stars were visible overhead but none visible at the angle/height of these lights, presumably because of light pollution. When I left where I was 30 minutes later, the sky around the area where the lights were was a hazy red colour. The rest of the sky in the surrounding area was black but this area specifically was a different colour. I thought this might be some kind of heavy light pollution in that direction but according to google maps there are mostly just fields there, nothing that would give off unusual light pollution.''
Secret world of UFOs & Underground bases! - Dark Journalist & Dr. Richard Sauder
Deep Underground Bases: Military Experiments & UFO Technology
In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt interviews Underground Bases Expert Dr. Richard Sauder about his landmark book on the subject of secret underground bases: Hidden in Plain Sight.
Sauder details his decade long research effort to sift through declassified documents and speak with former inside government whistleblowers about their knowledge of these hidden installations. What he discovered in his cutting-edge research will blow your mind with the reality that there is an extensive world that's been built underground of a massive, experimental scientific and military infrastructure designed for deep covert operations. With no public oversight, no budget limits and zero media exposure, these massive facilities exist as an entirely secret world operated by the most covert operators in the Deep State.
UFOs & The Breakaway National Security State
The development of deep underground bases goes far back into human history, but more recently got an amazing boost from the advent of two World Wars and the decades of the paranoid Cold War in the 20th century. The early Nazi obsession with developing wonder weapons underground and hiding their industrial base miles beneath the surface gives us a glimpse into the strategic importance of this strategy.
The National Security State Black Budget
The US National Security State dedicated massive black budget resources to the development of a sprawling network of secret underground command and control bases ostensibly for the survival of humanity in a doomsday scenario and to set up Continuity of Government operations in the event of a Nuclear War. Beyond this surface explanation there are fascinating reports of massive underground facilities designed specifically to test advanced and exotic UFO Technology obtained by crash retrieval teams with a secrecy ranking that is higher than those set for nuclear classification. This development of this reverse-engineered ET technology may be largely responsible for the massive secrecy surrounding the activities of this global network of deep underground bases.
UFO photographs - UFO photos taken during 1977, Kozakai-Cho, Japan
Around 11:30 am, on June 22, 1977, thirty-nine-year-old Yukio Ishida was driving along the bank of the Toyokawa Canal in Kozakai-Cho, Aichi Prefecture, when he noticed a strange object flying above a building alongside the canal.
He stopped his car and proceeded to capture a sequence of six shots using a Canon F-1 camera with a 55 mm lens. According to a report published by editor Hachiro Kubota in the Japanesse periodical UFOs and Space ''the circular craft was silvery metallic in the center with the greenish metalic flange around it and the center on top was raised into a dome.''
After the UFO left the scene, Mr. Ishida sat in his car for a few minutes before continuing his drive. Shortly thereafter he noticed the object again, this time over some power lines and shot the remaining four photos.
It also reported that many witnesses observed a flying disc over nearby Aichi High School.
UFO photographed over mountains in Horseshoe Bend, Idaho
MUFON Case 81381
Date of event: September 1, 2014
Location of event: Horseshoe Bend, Idaho, USA
Eyewitness states:
''This is a short story. I was on Jerusalem Road outside of Horseshoe Bend ID. I stopped to take a picture of the landscape. I saw no planes in the air nor did I hear anything. There were no birds around. Later when I reviewed the picture an object was present. This photo was taken on a Samsung Galaxy 3 Note. A second photo of the same site showed nothing.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Amazing ancient electrical power sources
This new documentary looks at ancient civilization use of electricity, something that has been hidden from the public until now. The documentary asks how advanced are we as a civilization today? With all of our technology and knowledge in different sciences, are we more advanced when compared to ancient mankind? To civilizations like the Egyptians or the Sumerians?
This, the second in a series of documentaries asks is it possible that ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians possessed advanced technology that helped them build the pyramids and other amazing structures? Is it possible that ancient mankind had the ability to harness electricity thousands of years ago? All of this and more is possible according to the Ancient Alien theory and to archaeologists around the world.
If Ancient Civilizations did not possess advanced technology nor Ancient Power Sources, how else would you explain them lifting and transporting huge blocks of stone like The Trilithon at the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon that weighs over 4.5 million pounds? Or The Western Stone in Jerusalem, Israel which weighs 1.2 million pounds and The Ramesseum statue located in Thebes, Egypt which weighs over 2 million pounds? How could all of this be achieved without electricity? High power machines for transport? Lasers and other high-tech tools for cutting and shaping? Ancient mankind must have had Ancient Power Sources, ancient technology.
The Secret Origin of Humanity - Graham Hancock & David Wilcock (Disclosure on Gaia, Episode 1)
Since of dawn of time, the advancement of human civilization has been guided by an invisible hand. These unseen forces are interwoven throughout the fabric of every major institution, so that nearly every aspect of our world is carefully calculated to their benefit. But their time is coming to a close.
For the first time ever, all of the information you need to free yourself is in one place. David Wilcock has amassed a team of experts to help us transcend dominating paradigms by disclosing the enigma of our origins and the extent of the intricate exploitation of humankind.
'Star Trek ship' spotted over Random Island in Canada
Date of event: Feb. 23, 2016
Location of event: Random Island, Montreal, Canada
Source news: http://www.thepacket.ca/news/local/2016/12/29/clarenville-man-spots-ufo-over-random-island.html
The strange object was spotted over Random Island in Canada, by a man named Chad Haines. He saw the unidentified craft hovering in the sky near his house.
He said the object was hovering over water 'near to the moon' and was visible for two to three hours. Then the object moved up and down before rapidly shooting off out of sight.
Haines says the object wasn't a plane, and said the UFO was far too large to be a drone.
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The original, unaltered version of the photo of the unidentified flying object taken on Feb. 23, 2016. (Photo courtesy of Chad Haines) |
Cosmogenesis: Top secret archaeology wars! - Dark Journalist and Dr. Joseph Farrell
Ancient Wisdom and Cosmological Defense System
In this exciting conclusion to their wildly informative and groundbreaking three-part series. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell separate fact from fiction about the traditions of secret knowledge, ancient high-technology wonder weapons and the modern race to discover them.
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defence system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It's an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical paterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy, Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.
Modern Archaeology Wars
From the Nazi obsession with ancestral elemental rituals and the ruins of early mystical cultures to the controversial disappearance of ancient artifacts and tablets in the looting of the Baghdad Museum during the Iraq War, Farrell sees an ongoing pattern on the parts of major world governments to discover secret prehistoric knowledge through covert modern archaeological warfare. This lost wisdom may have outlined the construction details for a super-powered resonance weapon which the people of the forgotten past used to wage a Cosmic War that brought great devastation during a forgotten chapter in Earth's history and is remembered now only in faint echoes of a massive battle among the gods in ancient legends.
One of these legends, about a hidden Atlantean Hall of Records suggests a lost culture and their advanced technology are yet waiting to be discovered. This secret structure was said by the famous Sleeping Prophet psychic Edgar Cayce to be buried in a pyramid in Egypt and could be entered through a hidden passageway underneath the right paw of the Sphinx. Interestingly enough, two leading Egyptologists were actually sponsored in their early careers by Cayce's Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Edgar Cayce Foundation, and one of them even wrote a book about Cayce's readings on the deep links between the development of Egypt by the survivors of Atlantis. Were they secretly looking for the Ancient Hall of Records using the Cayce readings while publicly disavowing their former sponsor and keeping in line with the official academic story?
Campi Flegrei: Europe's most dangerous supervolcano is reawakening
Just below millions of people there is a supervolcano that has begun to show signs of reawakening. The supervolcano, Campi Flegrei, is a 8 miles wide and sits beneath the Bay of Naples offshore Italy.
Recent monitoring of the volcano points to a reawakening of one of the largest volcanos in Europe.
Scientist believe that magma at the Campi Flegrei volcano in Naples is reaching a level designated by ''critical degassing pressure'' (CDP). This is characterized by sudden release of water-rich gases in vast volumes, which could lead to rock failure and explosion of the volcano, the report, released late last month, said.
''We propose that magma could be approaching the CDP at Campi Flegrei, a volcano in the metropolitan area of Naples, one of the most densely inhabited areas in the world, and where accelerating deformation and heating are currently being observed,'' the eight scientists said in the report.
There have been some reawakening signs in Campi Flegrei since the 1950s, from some low earthquake activity to hidrothermal degassing, with a pause in early 2000s. But in 2005, there were new uplifts and further activity has been recorded.
'Flaming UFO' caught above Exmouth in Devon
A musician was stunned when he saw a flaming UFO flying through the sky above Exmouth in Devon.
Mark Emmins noticed the oval-shaped luminous craft at around 1 pm on December 28, 2016, but it was still floating above around three hours later.
His friend, Tyron Osborne, snapped the rare sight as the pair stared open-mouthed at what they believe was an alien spaceship.
''Today for the second time in my life I can honestly say that myself and my neighbour watched a UFO. It was stood still in the sky for some hours and then decided to move and then vanish. We got photos too,'' said Mr. Emmins.
I have never seen anything like this. As for believing in aliens, I've always thought we are not alone in the universe and hoped to see something that would make me believe they would visit us.''
''I didn't expect it to actually happen,'' he said.
Source: http://metro.co.uk/
A possible UFO flies across the Sheffield city centre
A mysterious bright light was filmed hovering over Sheffield city centre. The footage was filmed early in the morning of December 27, and was shot by a CCTV camera at the University of Sheffield.
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