Timothy Alberino, director and host of the new documentary 'True Legends: The UnHoly See', discusses evidence that the Vatican is behind a vast cover-up of pre-Flood history.

The Vatican is controlling history - Tim Alberino
Timothy Alberino, director and host of the new documentary 'True Legends: The UnHoly See', discusses evidence that the Vatican is behind a vast cover-up of pre-Flood history.
Disc-shaped UFO's caught over Bylaugh, Norfolk
Date of sighting: 2/10/16
Location of sighting: Bylaugh, Norfolk, UK
Source: http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/021016FlyingDiskObjectDaylightBylaughNorfolk.html
Eyewitness states:
''My girlfriend and I were out taking photographs in the area of Bylaugh, Norfolk. Some were of the church and some were of the old hall at a distance using a telephoto lens.
About a week later on looking at the photos on PC, I zoomed in on two specks in the sky over the church.
They look very much like the saucer shaped UFO's.
On looking at a photo of the old hall there appears to be one at lower altitude seen in the centre of photo.
I offer them for your scrutiny.
They are as were taken.''
Witness image 1. |
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Above: Blow up of unidentified object in Image 1. |
Witness image 2. |
Two small, barely noticeable, objects discovered on Image 2.
Astronomers capture hundreds of 'alien' signals from space
Mysterious signals from 234 stars have been recorded by astronomers who believe that it could indicate the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Ermanno Borra and Eric Trottier from Laval University in Canada conducted a study, using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), report that the pulsing is similar to what a signal from an intelligent alien race might look like, if they were trying to make contact.
In a study, published in Solar and Stellar Astrophysics journal, the two scientists conclude that the peculiar signals they recorded could be from aliens trying to make contact with Earth.
'Alien megastructure' 1,400 light years away will be looked at for signs of life.
Scientists will focus on a distant star to listen for signs of alien intelligence. They will use a huge radio telescope over three nights to gather data. Funded by tycoon Yuri Milner, the project is backed by eminent scientists. It hopes to speed up the search for signs of extra-terrestrial intelligence.
Scientists scanning the night sky in the search for extra-terrestrial inteligence are turning their telescopes toward a mysterious star, which had been flagged as an 'alien megastructure'.
Called Tabby's Star, its regular cycles of dimming have been claimed by some to be a sign of intelligent beings - warranting enough interest for a closer look.
Astronomers have detected a mysterious radio signal coming from a Sun-like star
Still, astronomers are puzzling over an incredibly powerful burst of energy that seems to have emanated from the star HD 164595, located some 94 light-years away in the constellation Hercules.
''An international team of researchers has announced the detection of 'a strong signal in the direction of HD 164595','' book author Paul Glister wrote at his blog Centauri Dreams, nothing that a Russian radio telescope called RATAN-600 detected the signal last year.
Source: http://yournewswire.com/astronomers-capture-234-mysterious-signals-from-space/
Max Spiers RIP exposes the hidden controllers
Max Spiers gives a highly detailed insight into the Committee of 300 and the ruling elite, with the Seen and Unseen controlling families and ETs that run Earth. Max Spiers had the courage to speak the truth when the truth is not what you want to hear!
Max left us with a great deal of good information on so many levels that fill in the missing jigsaw puzzle pieces that we all seek answer for.
Orange UFO photographed over the mountains in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii
MUFON Case 79999
Date of event: October 23, 2016
Location of event: Kaneohe Bay, Waikane, Hawaii
Eyewitness states:
''I was taking pictures at Kaneohe Bay at lunch time of the mountains. I had on the ''multiple pictures'' setting which means if I hold down the button of my camera then it will continuously snap photos with not even a second invetween shots. I had this option on and took multiple picture of the mountains. I went to go look back at my pictures when I noticed one of them was not like the others. At first I thought a wood hip was on my lense but I looked closer and I realized I had spotted a UFO! Now, I don't really believe in stereotypical UFOs but this creeped me out so much that I'm reporting it just in case it really is one! The U identified object I saw was a disk, football shape and it was yellow/orange. When I zoom up on my camera, there seems to be a dome on the top as well. As soon as I saw the picture and realized it wasn't a football or woodchip I got a very eerie feeling. I showed my brother and dad the photo right when I saw but they didn't seem to be worried much about it. I attached the photos in this report as well. The first one should be a plain picture of the mountains and the second one has the weird object in it. It seems to be hovering over the mountain in the middle right side of the photo.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Two glowing orbs caught over Newnan, Georgia
MUFON Case 79837
Date of event: October 16, 2016
Location of event: Newnan, Georgia, USA
Eyewitness states:
''1. Where were you and what were you doing at the time? I was taking a walk in the later evening about dusk to get some steps in for the day. The sighting was around 730p EST, in Newnan, GA, about 15 miles south of Hartsfield Jackson Airport.
2. What made you first notice the object? There 2 very bright lights in the sky, not airplane lights. Living so close to the airport I see airplane lights all the time and know the landing patterns of the planes. They were out of the landing path from closer together than any planes would be on approach to the airport.
3. What did you think the object was when you first noticed it? Airplanes
4. Describe the object and its actions in detail. 2 very round, circular, glowing orbs. Like perfect glowing circles. Almost star like in color. After taking the pictures with an iPhone 6s+, I zoomed in to see if I can get a better look. In the middle of the orbs there seems to be something in the middle of each of them, but not sure if it is just distortion or not.
5. Describe you feelings, reactions and actions, during and after sighting the object. I always look for UFO's, so I was excited that this could be my first potential sighting. I had no other feelings other than excitement. I texted my buddy the picture and he check flightradar24 and nothing on the app showing aircraft in the area matching the two orbs in that area. I am always skeptical of ever seeing anything like this, but this was different than anything I have ever seen before.
6. How did you lose sight of the object? Total sighting was about 10 minutes for me. I wasn't 100% sure, so I started walking down the hill to my house. I as started walking each orb went in separate directions in slow controlled line. It was odd to me that they were going the opposite direction of the landing patterns of the planes. They went below the tree line (in the pictures) and didn't see them again.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
UFO with blinking lights caught above hotel in North Carolina, USA
Date of sighting: October 15, 2016
Location of sighting: Charlotte, North Carolina
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3855858/It-awesome-little-freaky-Driver-films-UFO-blinking-lights-hovering-hotel-North-Carolina.html
A bus driver has filmed mysterious lights hovering over La Meridian Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina on October 15, 2016.
Mr C Hulbert explained: ''I'm a professional driver and on this particular Sunday, myself, two other drivers and roughly 15 people were standing around in the hotel parking lot. We were getting ready to head to the airport for a pickup. I had happened to look up at the roof of the hotel and spotted these individual orbs or exterior lighting that was on something far bigger. I was literally stunned because of how low it was (possibly a mile to 3/4 of a mile directly above the hotel) I was trying to figure out what it was.''
Why Russia did not put a man on the Moon - The secret Soviet Moon rocket
It's probably the most well known peacetime battle between the USA and the Soviet Union, in both technological and ideological terms of the 20th century.
Although the USA won the race to the moon, if you'd been a betting person from the mid 1950's to 1960's, the chances are that you would have thought the Soviet Union had a very good chance of getting there first.
So why didn't Russia put a man on the moon?
At the time the soviets were leading the space race, they had already started with the launch of Sputnik, then launched several probes to the moon, including one in 1959 that orbited and taken photos of the far side and by 1961 they were the first to put a man in to space.
So when Kennedy made his now famous ''We choose to go to the moon'' speech in 1962 to rally public support, Khrushchev's response was silence, neither confirming nor denying that they had a plan for a manned moon mission.
But at the time Khrushchev wasn't really interested in competing with the US over the moon, he was more interested ICBM's the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles for the strategic rocket forces.
But there were others that had harboured plans for manned mission for a long time, these included the man whose name was a state secret and the most powerful man outside the Kremlin when it came to space.
He was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, outside the inner circle of the top space scientists he was known only as the ''Chief Designer'' or by his first 2 initials SP, because the Soviet leadership feared that the western powers would send agents to assassinate him.
Korolev was the man who was behind many of the soviet space successes and the head of the OKB-1 design bureau, he over saw sputnik, and the manned missions including the first man in space Yuri Gagarin. His authority extended over almost everything to do with space, his design group worked on missions to mars and venus, communications, spy and weather satellites, ICBM's and the soviet manned moon missions.
Korolev had a huge amount of control over the space program. In administrative power he was almost a one man version of NASA covering areas that in the US were done across multiple aerospace companies and flight centres.
But even a man with his power and connections didn't get everything his own way. He had to continuously fight against rival designers and design groups. Although Korolev wanted the moon missions, in 1960 the job was given to his rival, Vladimir Chelomei because of his patronage by Khrushchev but his lack of experience meant that progress was slow.
The progress of Apollo on the other hand worried the chief designers and as a result of this and the infighting between the design bureau's meant that there were multiple overlapping designs for the moon missions, at one point there were 30 different designs for launchers and spacecraft.
In 1964 and with the fall of Khrushchev, Korolev was given complete control over the moon missions and pushed through his designs ahead of Chelomei's and the decision to finally compete for the moon was given, with the aim to land in 1967 the 50th anniversary of the October revolution and get there before the Americans.
This created a problem for Korolev, in order to lift the payload weight of 95 tons, he needed a very large rocket. This new rocket would be called the N1, be as big as the American Saturn 5 and would require large powerful engines, similar to the F1 rockets in the Saturn.
Valentin Glushko was the leading Soviet rocket designer and head of the OKB 456 bureau, which had a near monopoly when its came rocket design & production. He specialized in making engines that used hypergolic propellants. These consist of a fuel and an oxidizer, that when mixed together spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. Korolev thought these were too dangerous for manned missions due to the highly toxic and corrosive nature of the chemicals that made up the fuel.
Glushko said that it was not possible to create a new large engine design that used cryogenic fuel of liquid oxygen and Kerosene and get it ready in time with limited resources and cash. He also sited that at the time the Americans had been working on cryogenic Saturn engines for 5 years and still hadn't got them to work reliably...
The Space Fence & Full Planetary Lockdown 2017! - Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland
Exclusive Preview of 2017 Space Fence Research
In this fascinating and riveting episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering Author Elana Freeland to preview her new research set for release in 2017 on the massive Multi Level Surveillance Project called 'The Space Fence'.
Early Development of SDI Technology
The Space Fence was originally the brainchild of the Reagan era during the craze to build the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) a space based weapons defence program ostensibly designed to protect the US from incoming Russian nuclear missiles. It has been established that this early version of the Space Fence may actually been created to keep an eye on unusual UFO developments in space.
HAARP Ionization of the Atmosphere & Nano Particles
After abandoning SDI on paper, covert forces inside the National Security State continued to develop various uses for the space deployed technology. Realizing their new efforts to achieving a global domination through space surveillance on Earth could not be totally successful, they undertook to expand the ionization of the atmosphere which gives them the ability to implant tiny nano particles into the human body. These nano sensors can penetrate the blood brain barrier to activate wireless signals that can be remotely monitored and controlled. Human beings in effect would become walking cell towers that microwave signals could be beamed at and penetrated to automatically send back revealing data.
Planetary Lockdown
The ultimate purpose behind this decades long project can not be fully known, but according to Elana's research we can deduce that its main goal is a Full Planetary Lockdown intended to centralize and control the full spectrum of activity on planet Earth, including human behavior, geopolitical events, weather conditions, earthquake activity and the creation of a manipulated reality within a gigantic artificial intelligence grid.
Secrets of the pyramids: Experts discover 'hidden cavities' in Egypt's Great Pyramid
Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza could contain two previously unknown ''cavities'', scientists using radiography to scan the millennia-old monument said on Saturday.
On Thursday, the antiquities ministry cautiously announced finding ''two anomalies'' in the pyramid built 4,500 years ago under King Khufu, with further tests to determine their function, nature and size.
At 146 metres(480 feet) tall, Khufu pyramid, named after the son of pharaoh Snefru, is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
It has three known chambers, and like other pyramids in Egypt was intended as a pharaoh's tomb.
''We are now able to confirm the existence of a 'void' hidden behind the north face, that could have the form of at least one corridor going inside the Great Pyramid,'' scientists from Operation ScanPyramids said in a statement.
Another ''cavity'' was discovered on the pyramid's northeast flank, said the researchers who are using radiography and 3D reconstruction for their study.
Operation ScanPyramids began in October last year to search for hidden rooms inside Khufu and its neighbour Khafre in Giza, as well as the Bent and Red pyramids in Dahshur, all south of Cairo.
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/
Angelic UFOs near the Sun, October 2016
Source images: https://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query
These angelic UFOs were discovered in NASA's SOHO images (Lasco C2 and Lasco C3) during the period from October 10 to October 15, 2016.
Warning: Presidential Executive Order Apocalyptic Space Weather Events
This Thursday, the President of the United States has instructed the federal government to construct a plan to deal with harrowing space weather set to affect satellites and other technologies in our solar system. The executive order signed by Obama states that this weather has the potential to ''[result] in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare and transportation.''
Executive Order Coordinating efforts to prepare the nation for Space Weather Events
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. Space weather events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly, some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure systems and technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite operations and communication, aviation, and the electrical power grid. Extreme space weather events - those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure - could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply , healthcare, and transportation. Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events in an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.
It is the policy of the United States to prepare for space weather events to minimize the extent of economic loss and human hardship. The Federal Government must have (1) the capability to predict and detect a space weather event, (2) the plans and programs necessary to alert the public and private sectors to enable mitigating actions for an impending space weather event, (3) the protection and mitigation plans, protocols, and standars required to reduce risks to critical infrastructure prior to and during a credible threat, and (4) the ability to respond to and recover from the effects of space weather. Executive departments and agencies (agencies) must coordinate their efforts to prepare for the effects of space weather events.
Learn more:
The Ascension Mysteries - David Wilcock Podcast With Jim Harold
Paranormal Podcast 448: ''NY Times best selling author David Wilcock talks to us about the nature of reality and the struggle of good vs. evil. In part two, we talked to Alejandro Rojas of OpenMinds.TV about the latest developments in Ufology.''
Illuminati building 'Space Station' and want you to join
The ''first nation state in space'' have been unveiled by a team of scientists and legal experts.
According to the project website, ''Asgardia - named in honour of an ancient mythological city in the sky - will offer an independent platform free from the constraint of a land-based country's laws. It will become a place it in orbit which is truly 'no man's land'.''
''Physically the citizens of that nation state will be on Earth; they will be living in different countries on Earth, so they will be a citizen of their own country and at the same time they will be citizens of Asgardia,'' said the project lead Igor Ashurbeyli to the Guardian.
''When the number of those applications goes above 100,000 we can officially apply to the UN for the status of state,'' he added.
The ScariestMovieEver examines the symbolism and the two of the most iconic images of the occult societes of the higher-level initiates of the Illuminati or of the high-level Mason's that appear in the image of this project: the eye of Osiris or the all-seeing eye right on top of the Kabbalah tree of life.
Ocean Worlds - Water in the Solar System and beyond
The story of oceans is the story of life. Oceans define our home planet, covering the majority of Earth's surface and driving the water cycle that dominates our land and atmosphere.
But more profound still, the story of our oceans envelops our home in a far larger context that reaches deep into the universe and places us in rich family of ocean worlds that span our solar system and beyond.
Origins of Oceans
What is the ultimate origin of water?
A water molecule is made up of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.
Hydrogen was created in the Big Bang and oxygen in the cores of stars more massive than the Sun. Enormous amounts of water, in gaseous form, exist in the vast stellar nurseries of our galaxy.
The Hubble Space Telescope peered into the Helix Nebula and found water molecules. Hydrogen and oxygen, formed by different processes, combine to make water molecules in the ejected atmosphere of this dying star.
The origin of our oceans are in the stars.
MoD 'covered up UFO files', army chief sensationally claims
Colonel Charles Halt, one of the key US military witnesses during the perplexing incident, claims important details were missing when the MoD releasead formerly classified files on the case which dates back to 1980, according to Express website.
The UFO sighting happened when three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claimed a ''triangular shaped craft'' landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26, 1980.
Retired Col Halt, 76, who was base deputy commander at the time, claimed three officers who first saw the lights, and then a UFO ''on the floor'', could not account for a 40 minute period while searching in the woods when their communication systems went ''off air''.
''When the documents were released, the time frame when I was involved in the incident is missing - is gone missing,'' Halt said.
He also claimed the conclusions of MoD investigationsinto what happened had never seemed to be released.
''In the last six years the British have released a ton of information, but has nobody ever seen what their conclusions were, or heard anything about Rendlesham officially?'' he added.
Source: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/718308/MoD-covered-up-Rendlesham-files-in-UK-s-strangest-UFO-case-army-chief-claims
Meteor fireball captured across Ontario sky
Dashcam footage and all-sky cameras caught an amazing long-lived fireball meteor early Friday. At around 6:45 am EDT, Friday, October 7, a particularly resilient piece of space rock entered Earth's atmosphere over Georgian Bay, and blazed a bright trail across the sky.
Peter Brown, a meteor scientist at the University of Western Ontario, found that the university's network of all-sky cameras had captured a spectacular view of this meteor as it passed overhead.
Youtuber user DrClockSmasher also caught this one, as he was riding his motorcycle through northeast Metro Detroit.Long-lived (10 sec), bright fireball over Georgian Bay last night - captured on many of @westernu meteor cameras. @westernuScience #fireball pic.twitter.com/voCTeUO0ao— Peter Brown (@pgbrown) October 7, 2016
Another all-sky camera, this one from the E.C. Carr Astronomical Observatory, located between the Blue Mountains and Beaver Valley, near Georgian Bay, captured the event as well.
Video from @RASCTC observatory right under path of last night's bright fireball @westernu @westernuScience #fireball #meteor pic.twitter.com/hhStLFgQYg— Peter Brown (@pgbrown) October 7, 2016
An unidentified flying object has been photographed over Bristol before vanishing completely
An unidentified flying object has been photographed over Bristol before to vanish into thin air, according to Bristol Post.
The mysterious UFO was caught on camera by 57-year-old Jeff Cook, who took the picture on Sunday from his garden in Knowle. But the sighting has left him baffled and now he wants answers.
''I normally look up in the sky with planes flying over and that,'' said Jeff. ''I looked up and saw it and it just stayed in the same place. I thought is it one of those giant inflatable things you see in the shops, but if you look it's actually not.
It was there, it stayed in the same place all the time then it just moved slightly to the left and then all of a sudden it just went.''
Jeff said an aeroplane was passing at the moment he spotted the object, but he added: ''It was higher than the air liner - and that was quite high. If it was some sort of balloon that's quite a record. I thought, I will go and get my other camera out, I was going to swap the lens. As I was about to take a shot it vanished. I have asked a few friends and showed a few friends and they just think that's weird.
It actually did stay in place and I thought, if it was a balloon surely it would have moved.''
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Jeff Cook spotted this flying object and believes it is a UFO. |
Source: http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/
Great balls of fire! Hubble detects giant 'cannonballs' shooting from star
Great balls of fire! The Hubble Space Telescope has detected superhot blobs of gas, each twice as massive as the planet Mars, being ejected near a dying star.
The plasma balls are zooming so fast through space that they would travel from Earth to the moon in 30 minutes. This stellar ''cannon fire'' has continued once every 8.5 years for at least the past 400 years, astronomers estimate. The fireballs present a puzzle to astronomers because the ejected material could not have been shot out by the host star, called V Hydrae.
The star is a bloated red giant, residing 1,200 light-years away which has probably shed at least half of its mass into space during its death throes.
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Source image: hubblesite.org. |
The current best explanation is that the plasma balls were launched by an unseen companion star in an elliptical orbit around the red giant. The elongated orbit carries the companion every 8.5 years to within the puffed-up atmosphere of V Hydrae, where it gobbles up material from the bloated star.
This material then settles into a disk around the companion, and serves as the launching pad for blobs of plasma, which travel at roughly a half-million miles per hour.
This star system could explain a dazzling variety of glowing shapes uncovered by Hubble that are seen around dying stars, called planetary nebulae, researchers say.
Source: http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2016/34/image/a/format/web/
'Ancient Aliens' built world's first airport 7,000 years ago, says Iraqi Minister
Iraq's Transport Minister, Kazem Finjan, claims ''ancient aliens'' built earth's first airport 7,000 years ago in the Middle East - and used it for interplanetary missions.
Getting ever so slightly sidetracked during a press conference to announce the construction of a real-life, modern day airport in Dhi Qar, southern Iraq, Finjan suggested spacecraft launched from the same area in 5,000 BC discovered Pluto and the mythical planet of Nibiru.
Sumerians inhabited what was Mesopotamia and, according to Finjan, were aided in developing this space station by visiting aliens.
''The first airport that was established on planet earth was in this place. It was constructed 5,000 years ago before Christ,'' said Finjan.
''The particularity of this place is that it remains the safest for the landing and takeoff of aircraft , due to favourable weather conditions. When the Sumerians settled on this land, they were aware of this and have chosen specifically for their flights to other planets.''
''I invite those who doubt to read the book of the great Sumerian historian Zecharia Sitchin, or the books of Samuel Kramer including one entitled 'History begins at sumer' which speaks of the first airport constructed on planet earth, and it is there at el Naciria,'' he continued.
Source: RT
Creepy skull image of Hurricane Matthew spooks the internet
An eerie satellite image captured the ''skull of Matthew'' to the shock of TV meteorologists and viewers across America.
Meteorologist Matt Devitt, from the WINK News team in Florida, said the skull appeared while he was giving the weather forecast at 7.30 am local time.
On Tuesday Mr Devid said: ''I can confirm this satellite image of Matthew's landfall is real and not photoshopped.
''Captured this morning during my weathercast. Freaky!''
Local 33 and Fox 44 meteorologist Mark Stitz said: ''Frightening satellite image of Matthew looking like a skull as it struck Haiti...''
WOOD TV meteorologist Ellen Bacca said the ''spooky'' image of Hurricane Matthew make it look like the skull had a glowing red eye.
Self-proclaimed weather geek Stu Ostro posted a satellite image of the ''sinister-looking'' skull online after the eye of the hurricane hit Haiti.
Social media users commented that the skull had an ''evil smile'' and looked as though it was grinning wickedly.Sinister-looking face of #HurricaneMatthew at landfall in #Haiti [Un-doctored #weather #satellite image] pic.twitter.com/hrviDVuJ3R— Stu Ostro (@StuOstro) October 4, 2016
Some Americans feared that the skull image could be a''bed omen'' as the hurricane heads towards Florida and the East Coast this week.
Unusual light photographed over Freehold, New Jersey
MUFON Case 79582
Date of sighting: May 28,2016
Location of sighting: Freehold, New Jersey, US
Eyewitness states:
''As I exited the rear of the store, I noticed an unusual light approaching. It made no sound and I brazenly erked it on to come closer. It did and that's when it hovered over the Raceways horse stables and that's when I decided to try and catch it on my phone camera.
Later while showing a co-worker, it disappeared from the screen. It did that a couple of times even on his phone when I sent it to him. We both were dumbfounded thinking either aliens or government knew I had it and didn't want it exposed. Since then I've been looked at as if I were dreaming it all up. Just looking for an answer.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Amazing UFO destroys chemtrail, alien technology?
Date of sighting: September 28, 2016, 19:41.
Location of sighting: Paris, France.
Eyewitness states:
''I caught an extraordinary UFO sighting. I was watching an odd looking light crossing the sky at variable speeds around my house, during the sunset. To me it was just some sort of helicopter, or maybe a drone. But after 5 or 10 minutes, I began suspecting the object not to be man-made. It was performing weird maneuvers, accelerating and decelerating randomly. When the light started to accelerate towards a huge Chemtrail, I took my camcorder and tried to find it in the distance.
The object stopped in front of the Chemtrail, and slowly destroyed it. Indeed, the trail was being ''consumed'' progressively. I was simply speechless. I still can't believe what I caught. The Chemtrail got literally perforated! I can't be 100% sure it's due to the object itself, but I'm sure there's a link between it and the Chemtrail. Such a huge trail can't just disappear like that, for no reason! And only a small portion of the trail gets erased, justly around the object!
After the UFO attacked the trail, it moved backwards and flied West, in my opposite direction. It disappeared pretty quickly.
What was that object? Man-made prototype to delete Chemtrails? Some extra-terrestrial technology made to protect us? I just don't have a clue of what this is.''
One week warning: Official earthquake advisory issued for Southern California
A swarm of earthquakes that rattled the Salton Sea area earlier this week has increased the probability of a major quake hitting Southern California.
The California Office of Emergency Services (OES) issued an earthquake advisory warning residents and officials in Ventura, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, Los Angeles, Kern and Imperial counties that there was a greater possibility of a major earthquake through Oct. 7.
More than 140 seismic events have been recorded near Bombay Beach beginning Monday ranging from magnitude 1.4 to 4.3, according to U.S. Geological Services (USGS) seismologists.
Scientists say some of the cross-faults are positioned to potentially add stress to the San Andreas fault system when they rupture.
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