Solar storm warning: A CIR is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field
Another round of solar storms expected to blast Earth. A stream of solar wind is heading for Earth, and it should arrive before New Year's Eve. The wind is flowing from a coronal hole (CH) in the sun's atmosphere.
The action begins during the late hours of Dec. 30th when a co-rotating interaction region (CIR) is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.
CIRs are transition zones between slow-and fast-moving solar wind streams. Solar wind plasma piles up in these regions, producing density gradients and shock waves that do a good job of sparking auroras.
After the CIR arrives, a stream of fast-moving (600 km/s) solar wind will follow. The combined effect could produce G1-class geomagnetic storms and bright Arctic auroras on Dec. 30-31.
UFO Photographs - UFO photos taken during 1976, Himeji City, Japan
In late August of 1976, 11-year-old Hiroshi Tsutsui of Himeji City, Japan, and two of his friends were playing near his home when they spotted a dark object moving towards them in the sky.
Hiroshi captured four color photos of the object as it silently flew overhead.
This was the not the first time they witnessed this object. A month prior it was seen and photos were attempted, but they were unable to get the exposure correct.
The photos came to light when an employee in a photo shop noticed the strange pictures while going through processing and made a note to call the photographer.
He also contacted a UFO research organization and advised them of the photos and the photographer. An examination of the photographs by photo experts failed to show any evidence of fraud. The object progression in the series of images is consistent and it grows in size as it approaches until a definite structured form is visible.
Cigar-shaped UFO photographed over the mountain in Cyprus
MUFON Case 81145
Date of event: April 19, 2009
Location of event: Cyprus
Eyewitness states:
''Pictures was taken for the purpose of mountain and moon combination scenery. The object could only be realised right after shooted in LCD display. Several shootings made before this photo but no other objects were found in previous shootings.''
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Witness image 1. (Credit: MUFON) |
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Witness image 2. (Credit: MUFON) |
Forbidden knowledge of the ancient reptile rulers
This new documentary investigates the Ogdoad, the eight deities worshipped in Ancient Egypt. As long as humanity has kept records of its existence, legends of a serpent race have persisted. As the documentary explains, the gods of the Ogdoad were mostly seen as humans with their animals' heads, or just depicted as snakes and frogs. In this video you will discover interesting information and research facts about the Ogdoad were contacted using psyhdelics.
The ancient myths tell of a mysterious race of superhuman reptilian beings who descended from the heavens to participate in creating humankind and to teach the sciences, impart forbidden knowledge, impose social order, breed with us, and watch over our development.
Large fireball illuminates the sky of Colombia and Venezuela
A large exploding fireball illuminated the night sky of Colombia on December 16, 2016.
The Geminid bolide struck the skies over the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Giron and Zapatoca of the department of Santander and the municipality of Yopal of the department of Casanare.
A similar sighting was reported from the Venezuelan state of Apure.
The Antarctic Atlantis ET ruins / Cabal rescue plan - Endgame II - David Wilcock & Corey Goode
Join David Wilcock as he narrates this groundbreaking insider mega-leak of intel with Corey Goode. The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the Illuminati/New World Worder agenda?
The realities of human trafficking and occult ceremonies at the highest levels are spreading like wildfire. Disclosure may be the only sufficiently distracting move the Cabal has left.
This is some of the most surprising, fascinating and relevant inside intel we have ever posted. Multiple Alliance groups have urged us to get this out as fast as possible, and here we are.
The story is so incredible that you may need to just treat it like a sci-fi movie...but even if that's the only level you can accept it at, you should still find this to be most fascinating! It is a great overview of the Cosmic Disclosure narrative and an update to the most current inside information.
The mainstream media almost immediately started writing about ancient civilizations in Antarctica after we were urged to get out this update. Never before have we seen such an immediate correlation.This is getting exciting!
Dwarf Planet Ceres is full of water
Asteroids might look dry and barren, but the Solar System's biggest asteroid - Ceres - is chock full of water, NASA's Dawn spacecraft has found.
Two different studies published in the journals Nature Astronomy and Science show two distinct pieces of evidence that water ice is abundant at or near the surface of the rocky body.
Today, the water is either frozen as ice, filling pore spaces deep inside Ceres, or locked inside hydrated minerals at the surface. But billions of years ago, early in Ceres's history, heat left over from the Solar System's formation probably kept the asteroid warm inside. This allowed the water to churn and flow, helping to separate Ceres into layers of rock and ice.
UFO photos taken during 1952 - Passaic, New Jersey
On July 29, 1952, at about 4:30 pm, George Stock and a friend, John H. Riely were in Stock's backyard when they spotted a strange object approaching.
Stock grabbed his camera and captured 5 photos of the craft in flight. It was estimated to be 25 feet in diameter and travelled slowly at about 200 feet above the ground.
The object slowed, hovered momentarily, then accelerated and flew away.
It had a semi-transparent green/blue dome on top, while the rest of the object was a blue/gray color with a metallic sheen.
These photos were printed in The Morning Call on Friday, August 3. The newspaper analyzed the photos and concluded that a fairly large object was actually photographed at the distance estimated.
No more attempts were made to further publicize the photos and they did not receive the attention they deserved because channels were being filled with reports.
Some 700 reports were logged that month and many photos were taken. This was also the time of a mass fly-over of Washington D.C. and the Capitol by UFOs.
UFO appears over the ocean during sunset at West Palm Beach, Florida
MUFON Case 80900
Date of event: May 20, 2016
Location of event: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
Eyewitness states:
''1. I was drinking coffee on the balcony of my resort in West Palm Beach, Florida, at 6:30 a.m.
2. I was looking through photos of our trips to print off for a large hanging photo frame when I discovered 2 objects in one of the photos and then just one object in the next photo.
3. I believed the objects to be u.f.o.s
4. The photos were taken that morning and I immediately put my phone away without the knowledge of them being there at first.
5. After seeing the objects in my photos, I had chills all over me and could not believe I actually had captured them.
5. After seeing the objects in my photos, I had chills all over me and could not believe I actually had captured them.
CERN Strangelets - Dimensional Stargates! - Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell
Super Collider
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for part 2 of his most important interview to date. They examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the deep connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments. Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in secrecy and finds that its Hadron Super Collider, ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle' by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway developing super weapons for the 21st century that would be a modern version of the Manhattan Project with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars!
Strangelets Intrigue
He cites the massive disturbances in the magnetosphere of the earth when the Hadron Collider is turned on and outlines that it may have serious consequences for physical life on earth and a major impact on the rotation of the planet itself. We also discover that voices in the scientific community have raised objections that CERN is unsafe due to the potential development of ''Strangelets'' a distorted potential byproduct of the matter smashing experiments that have been compared to mini black holes that suck in all dense matter and energy. He also shows the undeniable similarity between the CERN Hadron Collider and a Nazi Physics project called ''The Bell'' that was an underground Torsion Physics project built by slave labor and overseen by the top Nazi Paperclip Scientists to give them a master weapon to rule the world!
Deep State Nazi Connections
Dark Journalist and Dr. Farrell investigate the history of CERN and demonstrate clear links of a post-war Nazi International through the figure of John J. McCloy, lawyer for notorius German corporate conglomerate IG Farben. McCloy was also the Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations and became the American High Commissioner for post World War II Germany. In a controversial action, McCloy helped clear and vet over 70,000 Nazis, helping to utilize their intelligence networks to set up the CIA.
One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as the blueprint for the European Union. McCloy, in a strange twist, also served on the Warren Comission to whitewash any Deep State connections to the JFK Assassination. JFK was famously committed to ''Smashing the CIA into a thousand pieces'' as a way to root out the Nazi infiltration of the agency and regain control over the government from suspected Nazi collaborators like CIA director Allen Dulles.
Classic disk UFO caught over Bay Village, Ohio
MUFON Case 80870
Date of event: Dec 5, 2016
Location of event: Bay Village, Ohio, USA
Eyewitness states:
''I was in my kitchen, getting a cup of coffee. Looked out to see what at first I thought was a very very large plane moving extremely slow across the southwest sky. It had blinking lights, yellow, golden in color, looked to be the shape of a triangle. The lights were 3-4 spaced on either side. I ran to get my binoculars as my son was a pilot. I am very familiar with planes. At first I thought it might have been a larger plane.
This object was moving so slow, a normal plane could not stay up in the sky given the speed of this object. No sounds. By the time I got my binoculars, it was moving past trees, headed towards Avon Lake. I saw another report made earlier from someone that also saw a light over the Lake the same day. I am not sure what time this person saw the object they reported but my sighting was between 8-8:30 PM.
Yesterday, December 7th, I was looking out my kitchen window and noticed how pretty the clouds were. I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures to show my husband. Attached is one of the regular pictures I took with nothing in it but the clouds. I took several more and then noticed an ''object'' appeared on one of the frames. I did not see this object when I was snapping the photos but it is there. Looks like a round classic UFO...I tried to blow it up to see it better but the camera I had in my hands was a small Cool Pix.
I have seen numerous sightings here. I also have another video of one we saw a few years ago. When you view the picture, look at the top left hand corner. You may have to blow it up to view but the picture prior to that, you just see the clouds, nothing else. I didn't want to upload all the other pictures to make a point. I have them on file though. You can see the object in DSCN 3078.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
NASA/ESA Binary Asteroid Didymos Impact Mission
Our Earth is constantly bombarded by small asteroids that try to penetrate its protective atmosphere. The vast majority don't get through, but larger asteroids could pose a threat.
Understanding better what asteroids are made of is crucial in improving deflection technologies to set them off a collision course. This is one of the main objectives of AIM, ESA's preliminary Asteroid Impact Mission.
Launched in October 2020, AIM would travel to a binary asteroid system - the paired Didymos asteroids, which will come a comparatively close 11 million km to Earth in 2022. The 800 m-diameter main body is orbited by a 150 m moon, informally called 'Didymoon'.
This smaller body is AIM's focus: the spacecraft would perform high-resolution visual, thermal and radar mapping of the moon to build detailed maps of its surface and interior structure.
The main AIM spacecraft is planned to carry at least three smaller spacecraft - the Mascot-2 asteroid lander, being provided by DLR (Mascot-1 is already flying on JAXA's Hayabusa-2), as well as two or more CubeSats.
Around four months after AIM's arrival, the NASA led part of AIDA will arrive: the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, probe will approach the binary system - then crash straight into the asteroid moon at about 6 km/s.
AIM is intended to be watching closely as DART hits Didymoon. In the aftermath, it will perform detailed before-and-after comparisons on the structure of the body itself, as well as its orbit, to characterise DART's kinetic impact and its consequences.
Massive meteor explodes in the sky over Norway
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Source photo: Ronny Tertnes. |
A huge meteor exploded and lit the sky over Bergen, Norway, on December 6th, 2016.
Around the clock 5:15 Tuesday morning came a large meteor entering the atmosphere west of Shetland, with a speed of 20 kilometers per second, according to the nrk.no website. Those who were out at this time could see a bright light in the sky and then a shooting star.
''I heard about the meteor when I woke up this morning. When I ran out to check my camera. And there was the meteor, right in the picture! It is almost inconceivable to have so luck,'' says Ronny Tertnes.
Tertnes has a camera standing on the terrace of Valle in Bergen, which stands ready to catch whatever might happen in the night sky. If something happens, the camera takes it up.
''I've got some good pictures with this camera, but this is the toughest I've got, no doubt,'' he says.
The meteor that came through the atmosphere west of Shetland. The spent probably 12 to 15 seconds through the atmosphere before it fell down about 200 kilometers from the coast.
''What happens is that the stone collides with the air as it enters the atmosphere. The speed is so great that the air in front is that a concrete wall. When it explodes, and the strong light is because it is released energy, and that the stone is brutally heated,'' says astrophysicist Tor Einar Aslesen, who heads the Norwegian Astronomical Society.
The meteor explodes probably around 30-35 km altitude and broke in several parts. Aslesen says it is likely that some of the meteor has fallen down to earth, because it was so big.
''It was the stronger that the full moon, so it may have been around a tonne before it entered the atmosphere. And maybe it was a few kilos when it came right down, but unfortunately fell enough down in the North Sea.''
The truth about UFOs and military secrecy - Open Minds Magazine
The military has claimed they have no interest in UFOs and say they do not investigate UFO cases. However, through the Freedom of Information Act, investigators have uncovered several documents that would indicate UFOs have been of interest, and that the most important files were most likely never made public.
Regardless of whether one believes the UFO phenomenon is real or not, what is clear from the Air Force's own records is that they have taken at least a hand full of UFO reports seriously since 1969, despite claims to the contrary, and they do not seem to feel obligated to share this information with the public.
Planet Mars: It's not just a rock
38 Minutes that are guaranteed to change your perspective on the reality of both past and present life on Mars. The basics of ''HOW, WHY and WHO'' are covered here along with hundreds of telling images. This is not conspiracy theory. This is not the occult. This is reality and it is extremely important that we begin to understand our relationship to both the past and present inhabitants of the Red Planet. Why? Because evidence strongly indicates they were destroyed by nuclear explosions.
White orb UFO over Houston, Texas
MUFON Case 80642
Date of sighting: Nov 23, 2016
Location of sighting: Houston, Texas, USA
Eyewitness states:
''I was working, in the downtown Houston area, on 11/23/2016. It was around 3:15 in the afternoon. Upon exiting my vehicle, I noticed the reflection of light in the sky. It was stationary, and appeared to change shape. After about 30 to 45 seconds, the object began moving very slowly, to the east/south est. It made no sound, or was too far away to distinguish sound. Elevation did not appear to change. Stopped recording video, when visual contact was obstructed by a building. Began recording again, when visual was regained. Feeling confident that it was moving slow enough to re-aquire, I entered a building. Wasn't inside for more than a minute, and when I came back outside, the object was nowhere to be found. I was able to record the object for just over 4 minutes.''
CERN Death Star: Final Apotheosis - Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell
The Ancient and Future Death Star
Prepare for a fantastic exploration of the antediluvian past and the looming, ominous high tech future as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt invites Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back for his most important interview to date. Together in this part one of three episodes, they examine the unusual links between the obscure ancient technology that Farrell has researched in his Giza Death Star books and explore the connections it has with the futuristic dimensional doorway that the mysterious scientific organization CERN has created under the auspices of its controversial Hadron Collider experiments.
The Great Pyramid
Farrell theorizes that the Great Pyramid is much older than recorded history and was originally set up as a kind of super-advanced cosmological defence system with the power to wreak havoc on Earth and in the Cosmos through a highly complex series of resonances networked inside the structure. It's an undeniable reality that over the last century hundreds of researchers, physicists, geologists and archaeologists have examined and noted the highly unusual and amazingly accurate mathematical patterns in the layout and construction of this marvel of the ancient world. These patterns suggest a sophisticated knowledge of astronomy. Earth science, geology and geometry that was certainly not available to early Egyptian civilization according to mainstream academics, raising the possibility that the true builders of the Great Pyramid were a forgotten technological civilization that was wiped out of existence in the distant past.
Farrell sees the CERN organization in Geneva, Switzerland as shrouded in mystery and finds that its most well-known project, the Hadron Super Collider ostensibly set up to unlock the 'Higgs Boson' or 'God Particle' by the use of a particle physics experiment, is actually a public cover for a far different activity to covertly deploy a dimensional doorway accessing super weapon for the 21st century that would rival its counterpart the Giza Death Star.
CERN has been mired in controversy since moving forward with its particle collider experiments over the objections of distinguished scientists who have observed unusual changes in the Earth's magnetosphere when the collider is turned on. Some of these independent scientists have warned the public that hazardous by-products of the experiments called 'Strangelets' pose a serious potential danger for the public at large and may damage the environment for centuries to come. CERN has also been accused of organizing occult rituals and being highly secretive during its scientific research with a public and private purpose for its vastly complex work. Attempts to sue CERN for its practices have fallen flat due to its unusual status as a 'sovereign entity'.
Mass UFO event over Turkey - Social media censoring #ufoattackturkey, Nov 28, 2016
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Source: yeniturkhaber.com. |
Dozens of people reportedly witnessed UFOs in the skies above at least 12 major Turkish cities this weekend, according to the thedailysheeple.com website.
The #ufoattackturkey hashtag began trending on Twitter as panicked users from different parts of the country shared images taken on their mobile phones of the unidentified flying objects.
But soon as the hashtag #ufoattackturkey started trending on Twitter, the social media removed all references of it from their ''trends'' section, with some photo's and tweets removed entirely.
If it was really just some hoax or fake, why would Twitter go to such massive lengths to block uploads, removed posts, and shut down a trending hashtag?
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Source: yeniturkhaber.com. |
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Source: yeniturkhaber.com. |
It has begun!! #ufoattacktoturkey pic.twitter.com/Ws9GMh1xGs— Jim Mutdosch (@pcdocjim) November 28, 2016
Twitter is censoring #ufoattacktoturkey pic.twitter.com/ryVs08I4ac— TBets™ (@KingTBets) November 28, 2016
Totally unrelated to football but apparently UFO's have paid Turkey a visit. No1 trending topic right now #ufoattacktoturkey pic.twitter.com/6bM1FyFpVM— Turkish Football (@Turkish_Futbol1) November 27, 2016
Is this a massive UFO feeding off Sun energy?
Date of discovery: Nov 27, 2016
The image, discovered by Streetcap1, shows a massive object feeding off the Sun's surface energy.
Streetcap1: ''The fact that the UFO is a different color and shape to the rest of the 'Connected line' is what convinced me to upload this. I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking.''
The object was captured by NASA's SOHO Satellite EIT 284 on November 27, 2016.
Huge cigar-shaped UFO appears above the mountains on the island of Sao Miguel, Azores
MUFON Case 80589
Date of event: August 21, 2013, 12:22 pm
Location of event: Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Eyewitness states:
''Is photographing a couple for tourism promotion on the island of Sao Miguel, Azores on the lake of the village of Sete Cidades. I made two identical photos and in the second picture the object appears and immediately disappears. I only saw the object later on the computer because I was aware of the subject.''
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Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Green sphere caught during sunset over Midland, Texas
MUFON Case 80604
Date of event: October 27, 2016
Location of event: Midland, Texas, USA
Eyewitness states:
''I was in office that has window facing west.
I took a photo with Samsung cell phone of sunset; did not see anything unusual at the time of photo, neither did coworker.
Reviewed photo approximately three days later, noticed the green sphere towards top of photo.
A clopped portion of photo of only said green object also attached.
Also, anonymity will be removed once my military status changes.''
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Witness image 1. (Credit: MUFON) |
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Witness image 2. (Credit: MUFON) |
Ancient Mysteries: The alignment between these ancient sites will blow your mind
Did you know that ancient sites like Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer and the Pyramids of Giza are all aligned on a single great circle?
There is a mind-boggling connection among ancient structures that is indicative of a far greater meaning than we were aware of.
There have been numerous theories that ancient structures around the globe were specifically positioned by its ancient builder's thousands of years ago. Perhaps one of the best examples - according to many - is the Great Pyramid of Giza and its curious position on Earth.
For those of you who didn't know, the Great Pyramid of Giza is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. Furthermore, the weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons.
Multiplied by 10^8 gives a resonable estimate of the earth's mass.As you can see, ancient structures were built with a mind-boggling precision.
But the Pyramids at the Giza plateau do not stand solitary on Earth. In fact, there are countless other sites that seem to be connected somehow.
UFO caught on webcam over Winter Park, Colorado
Witness image 1. (Credit: MUFON) |
MUFON Case 80568
Date of event: Nov 22, 2016
Location of event: Winter Park, Colorado, USA
Eyewitness states:
''I was monitoring the Winter Park, CO, ski resort town web camera (for my job -- we do operational cloud seeding for the resort to increase snow pack and use the cameras to monitor weather conditions). The frames update about every 3 mins, to my knowledge. In one frame, there was nothing but the normal view. Next frame, black disk-like object appears just over mountain top. Next frame, nothing. Too close to the mountain to be a drone or plane. Confirmed with the resort that there were no helicopters present this morning. Given the distance/size of object, it is unlikely that it was a bird, bug, etc. My colleagues and I have been using this webcam for years and this has never occured before.''
Witness image 2. (Credit: MUFON) |
Space Fence II - Ahriman war in the heavens! - Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland
Global Surveillance System
In this powerful part two episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Geoengineering author Elana Freeland for an exclusive preview of her controversial new book due out in early 2017 on the mysterious and obscure covert program for a massive Global Surveillance System that can track the population down the to DNA level named 'The Space Fence!'
Space Fence Predicted?
Although the Space Fence is a highly technological project that combines elements of HAARP and SDI Star Wars Technology along with a complete program to Ionize the Atmosphere to mutate the human immune system, there are also psyho-spiritual aspects embedded in the project as it represents a deep level of esoteric understanting and manifestation.
As early as 1907 Austrian Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner had envisioned an ominous spirit of technology invading the human soul and psyche via a deep dependence in culture on emerging scientific trends that bears an exceptional resemblance to modern Artificial Intelligence. He named the force 'Ahriman' from the dark lord of Persian Mythology that battled the fabled hero of humanity Ahura Mazda. Steiner eventually set up a center for Spiritual Science to teach Anthroposophy in order to combat the effects of an overwhelming bombardment of scientific materialism upon a society further and further removed from its mystical and cosmic religious roots.
The UFO Surveillance Factor
The presence of UFOs in Eath's orbit and flying in our skies has caused the National Security State to implement measures to monitor and control the situation while keeping the presence of these mysterious craft from the public.
One of these programs was the SDI Star Wars Program set up in the 1980's under President Reagan. Ostensibly set up as a missile defence program against the threat of incoming Russian missiles, it has been rumored to have been constructed with a dual purpose of defending the planet in the event the massive numbers of unidentified flying craft were hostile or unpredictable. Now the Space Fence program, set up under the auspices of a Secret Space Program, is the fully realized version of the original, but with one special addition: it can be used to surveil and catalog the entire glob and the physical life upon it down to the DNA level!
Strange glowing object caught on camera over Kozloduy, Bulgaria
MUFON Case 46737
Date of event: April 11,2013
Location of event: Kozloduy, Bulgaria
Eyewitness states:
''One sunny day, as we were travelling with my husband back to Kozloduy, I was taking pictures with my camera. Suddenly I saw a glowing object on the picture. It was really surprising for me, because the sky was almost clear. There were only little, white, fluffy clouds. But the object doesn't looked like them, as you can see on the picture. I actually didn't saw it really. To make sure that it isn't some defect on my lens, I made some more pictures, but the object didn't showed again. After we saw that picture, we joked ''What the aliens would be searching for in a small village like Butan???'' :D Now seriously, I don't know what to think. I send you this picture, so you can say your opinion.''
Witness image. (Credit: MUFON) |
Ghost plane seen mysteriously hovering around Denver Airport causes concern
Thousands saw a plane circling the Denver metro area late Wednesday morning, questioning where it may have come from and what it may be doing. Officials at a host of federal organizations had few answers.
Denver7 began tracking a flight named IRON99 as it traversed from California over the pacific. It traveled over the Rocky Mountains and eventually over the Denver metro area.
Its arrival over the Denver metro is what prompted questions from a host of locals who saw it circling, questioning what it might have been doing.
Visually, the plane circled in a racetrack-style oval shape over the City of Denver at roughly 32,000 feet several times. After spending times making its loops, the aircraft then took off in a direct path to Oklahoma, without any record of stopping.
Denver7 reached out to a host of official sources in an attempt to learn more about the flight, but sources couldn't confirm many details at all.
Public Information Officers at several Air Force Bases were able to confirm that such a flight maneuver suggests the plane is indeed a military plane, and may refueled while in the air over Denver.
Officials at Buckley Air Force Base say it never checked in with towers on the base, and did not land at the base, despite flying over the base's airspace.
Denver International Airport officials also confirmed no such plane landed at the airport, and their towers wouldn't have come into contact with a plane uninterested in landing at the airport.
Further reasearch into the plane's title of IRON99 turned up bases in the northeastern part of the nation that frequently give out the title of IRON to their military flights, however the title is usually reserved for T-38 aircraft, which are distinctly black.
When looking into IRON99, it appeared the flight had only communicated with the U.S. Army, and had no public communications available, as many commercial flights often do.
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